Originally Posted by iggy
Or, and think about this possibility, declassification and handling of defense operation files by a former president doesn't fuckling work that way.

Actually, Trump de-classified these documents in the closing months of his presidency, and deep state/Democrat loyalists in FBI and DOJ deliberately dragged their heels and prevented the de-classified documents from going public while Trump remained president, and certainly never released them after Trump was no longer president. Kash Patel has been interviewed in multiple broadcasts that he was in the room when Trump gave the order to de-classify those documents. As well as others in Trump's administration confirming this.
Against Trump's orders, the documents were not de-classified and released.
As I cited, sourced and linked, one post above.

And as said, for 20 months leading up to the piece-of-shit FBI raid on Mar A Lago, Trump and his lawyers have been in full co-operation with FBI and DOJ. This is all just yet another contrived attempt by rabid Trump-hating leadership in the FBI and DOJ to take trump down.

But we all know how it ends, just like every other time.
[Linked Image from 66.media.tumblr.com]

But look who I'm trying to convince, a malicious deceitful junior-college employed card-carrying member of the unhinged Trump-hating Bolshevik Left.