Originally Posted by iggy
Because Trump bible photo and video operation in the summer of 2020 totally didn't reek of bad tough guy propaganda... rolleyes

That didn't make much sense, in your apopleptic unhinged Trump-hate you apparently are too far gone to write a literate sentence.
But you appear to be talking about the BLM and Antifa mob outside the White House in May 2020 that attacked, injured over 50 police and Secret Service agents, in a seige on the White House, where ( VIDEO-TAPED ) they broke up walls and sidewalks to turn into rocks and boulders to throw at police, and even ( VIDEO-TAPED ) used blow-torches to cut through the thick iron fence around the White House. The excuse was alleged outrage about the death of George Floyd, that Trump and the White House had nothing to do with. But in truth, BLM and Antifa are Marxist revolutionaries, and this was just the opportunity and excuse to unleash their seige on the white House, and about 600 cities nationwide, killing 25 people, injuring 2,000 police, killing 2 police officers, and doing about $3 billion in property damage. It was a Bolshevik revolution, and a seige on the United States constitutional democracy.

The attack was serious enough that Secret Service advised President Trump to leave, and he was moved to a more secure location.

In your hate-filled semi-literate ranting above, you through a fog of irrational hate refer to the next day, where failing to over-run the White House, the BLM / Antifa mob went across the street and burned a historic church, about 2 centuries old. On Trump's walk over to the church, you could see ( VIDEO-TAPED ) the mob's graffiti from the day before painted on every visible part of the wall, and the broken-up walls and sidewalks for hundreds of yards in every direction. I believe Trump walked across the street and displayed the Bible in 1) respect for the defaced historic church and the religious free speech and rights that the BLM/Antifa mob threatened, and 2) to force the media, while they videotaped Trump crossing from the White House to the church, to document ON VIDEOTAPE for the national news the level of destruction these Marxist scum unleashed.

I fail to see how Trump obligating the media that day in May 2020 to document and broadcast the truth is somehow, in your unhinged mind ,evidence of any wrongdoing on President Trump's part.
But here I am talking to a dishonest Leftist junior college professor with an unhinged irrational hatred for Trump, who has ranted in hundred of posts your support for Occupy Wall Street, that is one in spirit with BLM and Antifa.