
It's difficult to find a Republican running in the 2022 mid-term election who hasn't over the last 4 weeks, several in the last week, not only closed the gap but surpassed their Democrat opponent in the current polls.


Dr Oz vs. Fetterman in Pennsylvania
Hershell Walker vs. Rafael Warnock in Georgia
Kari Lake vs. Katie Hobbs in Arizona
All moving in the right direction for Republicans.

No doubt, the consistent bad decisions of Joe Biden (or perhaps more accurately, his of puppetmasters hidden in the shadows) is bringing down the entire Democrat ticket on every front.
To the point that absolutely NO ONE wants Biden to come to their state and campaign with them.
They always have a "scheduling conflict" that prevents them from meeting publicly with Biden. Wow, how about that !

So if you're a Democrat, what are the accomplishments you run on?

  • 1) The over 8 percent annual inflation? (inflation under Trump less than 2 years ago: 1.4%)

    2) Biden and the Democrat House and Senate doing everything in their power to crush the fossil fuel industry, for indoctirnated ideological reasons , causing gas prices for citizens to "necessarily skyrocket"?
    Gee, you'd almost think... this is not just a Joe Biden problem, but an across the board Democrat plan to destroy the energy industry, and with it the entire U.S. economy.

    3) Supply chain breakdowns? I just spoke to a neighbor a block away who has to replace central air in their condo, and for 9 months have not been able to get a replacement unit. They did makeshift improvisation, putting a smaller A/C unit in each room of their 2-bedroom apartment. At a time where the temperature outside averaged through the summer well over 90 degrees and very humid. When have these kind of supply chain problems occurred in the past? Never, not until President Biden. Not even during the worst period of Covid, under former President Trump. This all began AFTER the worst of the pandemic had passed, and almost the moment Biden took office, because of Biden Covid vaccine mandates, continued Covid cash paying people to stay home, disincentivizing a return of workers to their jobs, causing a shortage of dock workers in coastal ports, and California restrictions locking out independent truckers from being able to do their jobs and move supplies to retail stores.

    4) Biden and the Democrats kicking the southern border wide open to illegals and drugs? Over 4 million illegals in 2 years, and an additional 800,000 "got-aways", with absolutely no vetting to protect U.S. citizens from incoming murderers, rapists, pedophiles, gang members, drug traffickers, human traffickers, and other assorted criminals. No screening to protect the U.S. public from the diseases these illegals are bringing in. The primary purpose of a government is to protect the nation's citizens and its borders, the Biden administration protects EVERY FOREIGN NATIONAL BUT U.S. citizens.

    5) Biden and blue state governors' Covid mandates for a vaccine that neither prevents infection, nor prevents spread of the virus to other people? And has mostly just been a way to purge out conservatives and independents from government and private sector jobs, to replace them with obedient Democrat zealots, to consolidate Democrat power, in both the public and private sector.
    Most dangerous is what those mandates are doing in weakening our military, forcing at least 60,000 career soldiers to be discharged, because they question both the effectiveness and the safety of the Covid vaccines. People who have been career military families for generations. The brightest and the best trained. With no one to replace them. The military is far short of the new recruits needed to relace those pointlessly driven out.

    6) And simultaneously Biden is spending trillions on everything else, but in proportion to annual inflation, has not even given a rise in defense spending that stays even with inflation. Even as China is rapidly expanding its military, with clearly stated plans to replace the U.S. as the global superpower, and fight a war with the U.S. to seize Taiwan. And expanding their nuclear arsenal from 400 warheads, to 4,000.
    And Russia's aggression in Ukraine. And threatening nuclear war.
    And Iran moving toward nukes, and helping Russia in Ukraine.
    And North Korea, firing missiles over Japan.
    All making aggressive moves.

    7) the weaponization of the DOJ and FBI against the Democrats' political enemies, while simultaneously refusing to prosecute ACTUAL CRIMES in the U.S., particularly covering for Democrat crimes. But also refusing to prosecute their allies in Black Lives Matter and Antifa, and any number of murderers, rapists, violent criminals, who because they were not incarcerated, went on to kill more people. The lack of safety in Democrat controlled cities and states is causing many to vote Republican this year, some for the first time in 40 or 50 years, or ever.

In a nutshell, if it's bad for America, the Democrats are for it.
And even Democrat voters are beginning to see this for the first time.