Originally Posted by iggy
You still think I'm a liberal and vote Democratic. I'd say it is endearing, but it is just pathetic and displaying an inability to pay attention at this point.

The evidence of your posts is that you pathologically hate Republicans and are very comfortable with Democrats winning in every one of the last 4 presidential elections. You at least front to be a junior college professor in North Carolina, which further statistically makes you about 90% likely to identify as "liberal" or "very liberal". You cite only the most liberal-indoctrinated and fanatical primary news sources for liberals (despite how often they have been proven wrong, in addition to being rabidly Democrat/Left), such as CNN and Politico, New York Times and Washington Post. And again: You express a pathological hatred for any news sources outside of that.

I've got my own reservations with Fox News, as they've veered left in recent years, and in particular have developed a bias in their top ranks against Donald Trump. But as I've linked from Yelp (quoting Pew Research from the 2008 election , comparing the level of balance of all the networks) since 2004, Fox News is still more "center" and balanced than any of the very liberal-tilting news sources you unwarrantedly trust. For whatever faults, FOX News is quantifiably, more than any other mainstream channel, exactly even in their coverage of both parties. And yet... you foam at the mouth with rabid hatred and contempt for Fox News. That speaks of your liberal bias, on all counts cited.

You PRETEND to be a fan of Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul. But then you have complete contempt for the Tea Party movement and the Trump movement, both clear outgrowths of the issues championed by Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul. So your hatred of the Tea Party and Trump reeks of dishonesty, that in about 12 years here you've never even made an effort to explain.
Johnathan Swan on Fox Report on the Friday after Trump won in Nov 2016, picking his winner for the week, selected Pat Buchanan, saying : "Donald Trump won on the issues that Pat Buchanan has been championing for 25 years. And a Trump presidency is the next best thing to a Pat Buchanan presidency."
I was ecstatic listening to this. And while I was hesitantly supportive of Trump and voted for him in 2016, unsure if he could actually do what he promised, Trump succeeded as president far beyond my wildest dreams of what I thought anyone as president was capable of doing. Fulfilling and far surpassing all of his campaign promises.

For you to feign support for Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul, and then express such contempt for both the Tea Party and for Trump, rings rather untrue.
Trump's presidency clearly was the fulfillment of the stated goals of both pat Buchanan and Ron Paul. And for you to attack the Tea party and Trump makes clear your loyalties are not with conservatism, libertarianism, Ron Paul or Pat Buchanan. But with some hidden and deceitful agenda.