Originally Posted by iggy
I don't stand with people who go on about the debt when out of power, but then finance a temporary tax cut by blowing a hole in revenue while Increasing spending. ::Stares at Trump tax cuts:: We need revenue increases and cuts. We are lying in a convenient left/right dichotomy otherwise. Rs really like to pivot back to social crap when on power and forget about debt and deficits. Dems, for their many faults when it comes to staunchly being reactionary and standing for or against something just to be opposite conservatives, don't lie to me about their need to spend.

I ditched Paul and Buchanan because I saw a lot of crazy that was allowed to fester in those crowds. They also were very ideologically driven in support of things I'm not into (a lot of social issues mean nothing to me). I've chosen a non-ideological approach to things, particularly since becoming a father to two children.

That said, I support people on issues when they seem correct. I don't regularly see eye to eye with Rand, but his end no knock warrants bill was spot on. I supported it. Same as I supported eight can't wait rather than sign on to the ludicrousness of "defund the police." I was totally fine with Trump's SCotUS appointments and thought Kavanaugh got treated horribly. I think Trump could've easily won in 2020 had he not stumbled on COVID and not Dukakis in the tank-ed with the church photo op. I was and am a Never Trumper, but I laughed at the people who had nervous breakdowns over him in 2016 or thought Avenatti was going to bring Trump down. I didn't like everything he did (I'm an outspoken open borders guy), but I didn't feel my life generally get better or worse for me under Trump than under Obama so I was pretty meh about his presidency. It was when he started sowing doubt in the lead up to 2020 that my opposition to him started to harden. Refusing to accept the results was when I started to think he was going to do something beyond stupid. I watched his 1/6 tantrum just to see what stupid thing he'd do. The rest of that day solidified my contempt for that asshole.

I have a Dem gov I voted for twice and Republican state rep and senator I reliably vote for because they got nowhere butting heads, but put my state on firm financial footing through compromise. Including cuts and revenue increases while increasing spending when possible in key areas (education, infrastructure, etc.). I don't care what letter is after their name if some federal folks gave me that without having to also buy into either side's chosen flavor of unrelated crazy. I think most Americans would too.

So on a twisted sense of principle, you side with the cultural marxist Democrats who are WORSE, because the Republicans aren't perfect?
That again rings dishonest. The problem is that many Republicans are for reigning in deficits, but are undermined and betrayed by a few Republicans in key positions (Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Ronna McDaniel, and the aforementioned 18 Republican senators just a few days ago voted with Democrats in supporting passage of the "Omnibus bill". And past sellouts like Paul Ryan and John Boehner, who are still a thorn in the side of Republican voters.)

Did you just say you are FOR open borders? Dear God, WHY ?!?

I don't see how Trump managing creation of several Covid-19 vacines in record time, bringing factories and jobs back to the U.S., renegotiating trade agreementss with every nation we trade with, overseeing the best economy in over 50 years, rebuilding our military, ending the ISIS threat in Iraq/Syria, and NOT opening up a new war in Iran or North Korea, in any way diminished Trump for the 2020 election.
It was only a propaganda media that undermined and misrepresented Trump to be a failed president he was not. And even so, up till 3 AM on election night 2020, Trump was winning across the board, after which multiple forms of election rigging in the middle of the night unjustly handed the election to Biden and the Democrats. There is so much abundant evidence of irregularities, an ocean of mail-in ballots from god-knows-where, more votes than there were actual voters in some regions, and in many categories, votes that were always rejected in previous elections, were mysteriously counted in 2020. Multiple streams of election fraud, more than enough to turn the election.
I still don't see the logic explained of you identifying as a "never-Trumper".

Challenging the election results was I think Trump's right. That's what the votes are held 22 months for.
And there were DEFINITE election irregularities, in multiple forms, that more than warranted investigation. There should have been a two-week election debate that would have begun on Jan 6 2021 in the joint session of Congress.
But weaponized undercover FBI agents and Antifa in Jan 6th riots intimidated the Republicans into not pushing for a joint session debate about election fraud, due to a false-flag "insurrection" spectacle, that confused and intimidated many Republicans (Sen Lindsey Graham, Sen Kelly Loughler) from doing what they has been scheduled to do.

How many times do I have to say it? There were over 100,000 PEACEFUL demonstrators on Jan 6th. FBI agents and possibly Antifa took away the barricades and directed PEACEFUL Trump protesters into the Capitol, and of 600 who went in the Capitol building, only 60 were involved in vandalism and clashing with police. And by FBI's own investigative reports, at least 20 of those 60 were FBI undercover agents disguised as Trump supporters ( "un-indicted co-conspirators" in their own reports) and another 20 or so were John Earle Sullivan and his Antifa Salt Lake City group. Totalling at least 40 of the 60.
It wasn't a "tantrum" by Trump supporters, there were a handful of Trump supporter rioters, but overwhelmingly it was a false-flag con job, to confuse, intimidate and shut down any challenge to the 2020 election result.

And as I said in another topic, Biden's reign of terror, the occupation of Washington DC by 20,000 National Guard troops, the banning of Trump from all social media platforms, and the further purge from social media of Trump supporters and Republicans, the fabricated arrest of Jan 6th Trump supporters as a "domestic terrorism" threat right after (See the Newsmax 60-minute documentary "Shame of a Nation") . And further purge of Trump supporters, conservatives, and any other dissenters, in Biden and the Democrats' "Burning of the Reichstag" moment, orchestrated after Jan 6th by FBI and DOJ, with mass arrests.
Only 600 went inside in any way, but somehow 1,300 were arrested, and jailed indefinitely. STILL in jail. How is that even legally done?
And from there the further purge of Trump supporters from military officer leadership, from federal agencies, and from even federal contractors. The Covid vaccine was used as a litmus test of who would stay or go. And a rose by any other name was a Stalinist purge, of millions from government jobs. To be replaced with loyal Democrat zealots.

How do you not see this?