
Fox News Ratings Crater as Tucker Carlson's Audience Flees - Megyn Kelly, with Melissa Francis

I could quote the same numbers from every Newsmax program aired today. But it's interesting to see it from a Megyn Kelly podcast. And also to hear it discussed with Melissa Francis, who was one of my favorites onFBN and Fox until she, like Tucker Carlson, was abruptly disappeared with no notice or explanation.

The bottom line is, Fox News made a gigantic mistake, and within months pretty much their entire conservative audience will be switching their loyalty to Newsmax. The only surprise is how rapidly, from Monday to Friday, this has already happened.

I'm surprised not to hear Bill O'Reilly's opinion anywhere on what happened with Tucker Carlson and Fox. The difference is, Fox replaced O'Reilly with an even more conservative and articulate Tucker Carlson. Whereas now, Fox is already trying to cancel Donald Trump and the Trump conservative audience, and replace Carlson with establishment conservative pablum. And the audience that was loyal for 25 years just isn't having it. Did they think we wouldn't notice?
Buck Sexton said he thinks Fox will be forced to bring Tucker Carlson back in the 8PM slot.
Another alternative is for Newsmax to move heaven and earth to get Tucker Carlson to take the 8PM hour on Newsmax, that would really accellerate the exodus over to Newsmax. I prefer the latter scenario, rather than let Fox continue to deceive its audience that it is still a conservative channel, but in truth secretly undermining conservatives. Better a clean break to Newsmax, by boith Tucker and his audience. And Lachlan Murdoch, Suzanne Smith, and Paul Ryan can take all the blame for destroying Foc News they deserve. And fry in hell.