Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Actually I think I nailed it as opposed to you trying to paint Thomas as just selling a home. We both know it was more than that. It’s not hard to understand where Clarence Thomas was unethical. He lives in a different world where a billionaire takes him on luxury vacations, buys a home where his mom can live for free and apparently a child getting his expensive tuition covered. I think it’s better that this stuff needs to be reported as it far exceeds what people would consider normal hospitality and something a Supreme Court justice shouldn’t accept.

If Thomas' billionaire friend doesn't have any legal cases before the Supreme Court, what the hell difference does it make? I've stayed in the homes of wealthy friends, they're not my "sugar daddy", they're not in any quid-pro-quo arrangement with me, I and they are not in any professional compromise of ethics, they just happen to be wealthy friends, and I just happen to be a middle class guy.

Again: As sourced and linked above, the finest and best known legal minds in the country say Clarence Thomas did nothing wrong.
Whereas the Democrat-appointed judges, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, and Kitanji Brown-Jackson, ALL have far more visible conflicts of interest and open partisanship in their judgements, that your side selectively ignores. This is just a Democrat/Leftist slanderfest against Clarence Thomas, to try and discredit Thomas (and discredit the U.S. Supreme Court itself) by any vicious half-baked allegation they can whip up.
Just as they have been trying to do to Clarence Thomas over the entire 40 years of his career.

Thomas famously said in 1991, holding back tears over the stress and humiliation over what he'd been put under leading up to the Senate nomination hearings:
"This is a high-tech lynching, of an uppity black man who dares to think for himself."
I didn't fully understand what that meant in 1991, but I do now. As a black man, even as an exemplary judge and Supreme Court nominee, he was expected as a black man to be a Democrat, and since he did not follow Democrats' racial protocol for a black judge, Democrats sought to destroy him, personally and professionally.
But Clarence Thomas got the last laugh, he has been defending Constitutional rule of law for over 32 years on the Supreme Court bench, despite a relentless barrage of vile slanders like this one.

Brett Kavanaugh was similarly slandered and visibly shaken by the allegations against him in 2018, during his U.S. Supreme Court nomination hearings.
But he likewise is having the last laugh. Even despite a Democrat-party-endorsed assassination attempt on his life.

And Amy Coney-Barrett as well, as the Democrat-Left surveils the movements of her children to and from their school and other activities, with the obvious threat of hurting or abducting them, to intimidate and threaten Amy Coney-Barrett herself, to alter her Supreme Court rulings. That is federal offense, that if the FBI and DOJ were not Democrat-weaponized institutions, these people would be prosecuted and jailed in federal prison.
Likewise the protesters on 24-hour vigils outside THE HOMES of every conservative justice. But not the liberal ones ! Only conservative justices are harassed and threatened. These people should be in federal prison, for actions intended to intimidate and influence the decisions of a Supreme Court judge. Not one, but all 6 conservative justices. But none of the 3 liberal justices.

But of course, you ignore these Democrat-Bolshevik tactics of threats, intimidation and violence to undermine the rule of law, by those in your own party.
Whereas even the most liberal legal scholars (as sourced and linked above) say Clarence Thomas has done nothing wrong. But you still repeat the slanders, while ignoring the ACTUAL threat to the Constitution, and the ACTUAL CRIMES, of the Bolshevik radicals in your own party.