Yeah, that's pretty much what I'd expect someone with a Trump-hating leftist ideology to say.
You keep telling yourself that.

The truth is, DOJ and FBI, on far more blatant examples of illegally stealing or retaining classified records, in the examples of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Mike Pence, Hillary Clinton (the latter of whom bleachbitted and destroyed over 30,000 federally subpoenaed records amid an FBI investigation !!
*AND* destroyed 7 cel phones with subpoenaed records) .
Bill Richardson (who smuggled out records in his pants), also destroying records.
John Kerry.
Joint Chiefs chairman Mike Millie, who ratted out military secrets to the Chinese, and promised to inform the Chinese if the U.S. was going to attack them. And he still wasn't even fired!
None of that warrants criminal indictment, or even a legitimate investigation.

But then --whiplash!!-- all of a sudden the FBI and DOJ MAKE UP new bogus charges to aggressively indict Trump. Just by the wildest coincidence, when he is by far surpassing every Republican primary candidate, and in recent polls beating Joe Biden by a good margin.

For those of us who aren't Democrat-Bolsheviks, this Trump indictment by FBI and DOJ is clearly election interference, and weaponizing of federal DOJ, FBI, intelligence and other federal agencies, to rig another election against Republicans.
Yet again.