Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
If the lawyers acted unethically don’t they deserve being disbarred? From someone who supports getting rid of any gop elected official that was unwilling to help Trump in his failed attempt to steal the election how do you see it as Bolshevism and what you support as being anything better? Trump after he lost the election tried to get his DOJ to help him stay in power. Just say it was rigged and for Georgia it was find him enough votes to win. You’re not fooling anyone WB.

But they DIDN'T do anything unethical in defending Trump, they just did their job, giving Trump representation and a fair trial.

It's just law bars that are Democrat-majority abusing their power to harass and intimidate lawyers who defend Trump.

And as both Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley have said --two of the most highly acclaimed legal scholars in the country, both of whom are self-identified liberals as well-- it is downright un-American to intimidate and silence legal counsel and deny them Constitutional representation.
Alan Dershowitz calls it liberal McCarthyism, the push to silence and destroy anyone who sides with or even legally represents Trump.

And by way, Trump didn't make any attempt to "STEAL" the 2020 election. He followed the Constitutional legal options he had, to challenge the BLATANTLY Democrat-rigged election. And your party and the overwhelmingly Democrat-Bolshevik media helped propagandize the false narrative that Trump "tried to steal the election, TO COVER UP THAT IT WAS THE DEMOCRATS WHO ACTUALLY SUCCESSFULLY STOLE THE ELECTION.

And your Democrat-Bolshevik party's tactics intimidated state and federal legislators and judges and the U.S. Supreme Court from rightly and lawfully overturning it. (Although justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito wanted to hear the case, but John Roberts wouldn't let the full U.S. Supreme Court hear it.)

We've been over this a billion times, and I've extensively linked evidence to prove that is the true situation.

And not just in one way, but in multiple ways, the Democrats rigged the election. From FBI getting the Hunter Biden laptop in December 2019 and burying it.
To former FBI agents such as James Baker using their new executive positions at Facebook, Twiiter, Google and other tech media giants to block sharing of the New York Post story on the Hunter Biden laptop from being viewed or shared (that ALONE in every poll shows rigged the election, 15% of Democrats say they would not have voted for Biden if they had known about the Hunter Biden laptop evidence)
And 51 Democrat/Deep Sate intelligence officials signing off on a letter , falsely saying (with not having even ;looked at Hunter Biden's laptop contents) that it "looks like Russia disinformation". KNOWING that narraive was unrue, KNOWING it was part of a propaganda campaign to help Biden win he election.

The election was also rigged by tens of thousands of people msteriously rising from the dead to vote Democrat.
And by Dominion voting machine rigging.
And by more people mysteriously voting Democrat in many counties than there were actual registered voters,.

And vote rigging evidenced by the VIDEOTAPED security camera footage of illegal votes brought into voting centers in Atlanta and Detroit.

Not to mention Trump was winning in every contested state up until 3 AM election night, at which point Republican vote observers were sent home, and Democrats from 3 AM to 8 AM counted votes all night completely unobserved, and --lo and behold!-- the voting mysteriously across 6 states took a dramatic and overwhelming turn in favor off Biden.

Not to mention that every other election (and I've followed every election closely since 1976) was decided the night of the election. In a blowout election like Reagan in 1980 and 1984, he results were called well before 10 PM.
In the case of a close election, one candidate was declared the winner by 2 or 3 on the morning.
Trump in 2016 was declared winner at about 3:40 AM.
And certainly by the morning-edition newspaper, the final count was known.

In 2020, the voting dragged on FOR WEEKS. Very suspicious.
In Venezuela (who also use Dominion voting machines) what they do all night is count the votes to see how far ahead the opponent is, so they can manufacture the votes to make their guy win by a narrow margin. That is EXACTLY what was done in the 2020 election. And because Trump won by the largest margin of any incumbent in U.S. election history in 2020, it took Democrats days and weeks to manufacture enough fake ballots to rig a narrow Biden victory.
Oddly, blacks in most parts of the country didn't vote the same way as blacks in a few key battleground regions, in a few key states, where against the pattern everywhere else nationwide, blacks voted in disproportionate overwhelming numbers for Biden.

Multiple streams of election fraud. All that, and more. I've posted links from many sources.

Col. Phil Waldron.
Mollie Hemingway.
Hearings [Youtube-linked] in every battleground state by Trump's lawyers and by technical authorities like Col. Phil Waldron and other white collar crime cyber/forensics experts. Tech business owners. Mathemeticians who showed the statistical impossibility of how uniform the voting was across all 50 states, that they saw as evidence voting was rigged by a computer algorithm in every state.

Would that you were interested in the facts. But all you care about is that your party, by whatever MULTIPLE illicit means, rigged a win.
From which Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks are trying to establish a one-party authoritarian government, and smash and imprison their political opponents. You are cheering the destruction of our Constitutional republic.