Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
If the lawyers acted unethically don’t they deserve being disbarred? From someone who supports getting rid of any gop elected official that was unwilling to help Trump in his failed attempt to steal the election how do you see it as Bolshevism and what you support as being anything better? Trump after he lost the election tried to get his DOJ to help him stay in power. Just say it was rigged and for Georgia it was find him enough votes to win. You’re not fooling anyone WB.

But they DIDN'T do anything unethical in defending Trump, they just did their job, giving Trump representation and a fair trial.

It's just law bars that are Democrat-majority abusing their power to harass and intimidate lawyers who defend Trump.

And as both Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley have said --two of the most highly acclaimed legal scholars in the country, both of whom are self-identified liberals as well-- it is downright un-American to intimidate and silence legal counsel and deny them Constitutional representation.
Alan Dershowitz calls it liberal McCarthyism, the push to silence and destroy anyone who sides with or even legally represents Trump.

Again you actively support getting rid of any republicans that were not going along with Trump’s attempt to steal the election. This includes Trump’s attempt to have the DOJ call the election corrupt and calls to various state GOP officials in his attempt to pressure them to just find enough votes for him to win. You are guilty of exactly what you accuse the other side of doing. You have made it patently clear you don’t mind abuses of power as long as it’s for Trump. That said I wouldn’t hold it against any Trump lawyer that was just doing their job and working within the legal ethical bounds.

Fair play!