
Justice Department Charges Think Tank Official Who Gave FBI Info on Hunter Biden (TO SILENCE a witness against the Bidens)

Chuck Ross, Washington Free Beacon
July 10, 2023

The Biden Justice Department on Monday unsealed charges against an Israeli-American think tank official who provided the FBI with information in 2019 about the Biden family’s business dealings with China.

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan accused Gal Luft of covertly working for China and attempting to facilitate arms sales to Iran, Libya, and Qatar. Luft, the co-director of the Maryland-based Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, was arrested in Cyprus on Feb. 17, but skipped bail while facing extradition to the United States. U.S. Attorney Damian Williams and Justice Department assistant attorney general for national security Matthew Olsen, both Biden appointees, announced the charges against Luft.

Luft said after his arrest earlier this year that the Justice Department was targeting him because he provided information about the Bidens to the FBI and Justice Department in 2019.

??"DOJ is trying to bury me to protect Joe, Jim & Hunter Biden," said Luft, who met with FBI agents and Justice Department officials in Brussels.

Luft’s allegations come as IRS whistleblowers accuse the Justice Department of stymying an investigation into Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings. Hunter Biden entered a plea deal with federal prosecutors on misdemeanor tax charges for failure to pay taxes in 2017 and 2018. IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, who worked on the investigation, said his team was prevented from fully investigating the sources of Hunter Biden’s income. Shapley also said that the FBI had national security concerns about Hunter Biden’s ties to CEFC China Energy, a Chinese energy conglomerate with extensive ties to Luft.

The Washington Free Beacon reported in March that Luft worked closely with CEFC China Energy, which gave his think tank $350,000 in grants. CEFC paid Hunter Biden at least $6 million in 2017 and 2018. The firm, which has suspected ties to Chinese military intelligence, gave Hunter Biden at least $5 million for business consulting, and another $1 million to provide legal services to Patrick Ho, a CEFC executive who was indicted for trying to bribe two African officials for oil rights.

Both Hunter Biden and Luft worked closely with Ho, who was convicted on bribery charges. Hunter Biden referred to Ho as the "fucking spy master of China" in audio recordings in 2018. Luft submitted a letter of support for Ho at his federal trial. A former employee of Ho’s told the Free Beacon that he was frequently accompanied by Luft at CEFC’s offices in New York.

House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer (R., Ky.), who is investigating the Biden family’s business ventures, has sought interviews with Luft. He said last week he plans to ask the FBI for documents related to Luft’s interviews with the FBI, which were conducted in Brussels.

Prosecutors charged Luft with violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act and Arms Export Control Act. They allege he violated the foreign agent law by commissioning articles in Chinese state media from a former U.S. government official.

While the official is not identified in the indictment, Luft recently said that he paid former CIA director James Woolsey to write opinion articles for China Daily. Woolsey was a founder of Luft’s think tank and spoke at numerous events with Patrick Ho, the CEFC China Energy executive.

This guy brought evidence to the FBI 4 years ago. Like the FBI's handling of the Hunter Biden laptop e-mails, photos and videos, the 97% Democrat-donating FBI buried it to protect the Democrats.
When Gal Luft checked back with the FBI, the FBI issued fake charges and a warrant for Gal Luft's arrest. Instead of actual investigation of the Bidens, the FBI issued fake criminal charges and a warrant for Loft's arrest, to intimidate Loft, and slime him so he wouldn't be believed, if he continued to press the issue.

Rep Comer (R-KY) iof the House investigation committee was going to bring Gal Loft in for hearings 2 weeks ago, but Gal Loft disappeared to Rep. Comer's embarrassment, for reasons then unknown. Now we know why. Because if arrested, he would have been "disappeared" in some unknown out-of-country jail, hidden away by federal deep state agents forever to prevent him from testifying, and possibly assassinated.

Another manifestation of how developed and bold the authoritarian Democrat-Bolshevik deep state has become.
We live in truly terrifying times.

This is the same machine that has been coming after Donald Trump for the last 7 years, and after his advisors, AND after his lawyers.
And once Trump and his inner circle are destroyed, after every one of us, if they are ever successful in wiping out the Trump movement politically, who are the only resistance to the Democrat-Bolshevik party's aggressive push to seize one-party rule over the United States, and brutally crush all political opposition. As they have clearly telegraphed they plan to do, in any number of televised remarks, speeches, books and interviews. They are Bolsheviks, they are Maoists, and openly admire and emulate the tactics of these Marxist revolutions.

"We agree with Mao, that power is mostly administered at the barrel of a gun, and that capitalism is mostly a sham."
-- Ron Bloom, Barack Obama's then-manufacturing policy czar.

"Very effective, and a good model to follow."
-- Barack Obama's then-FCC diversity czar, in a recorded conference, discussing Hugo Chavez's state marxist takeover of the Venezuelan news media.

As with Hitler's Mein Kampf , when a radical movement is openly telling you what they intend to do, to an entire country, to their political opposition, to all dissenters even within their own party, as the Democrat/left has for decades, and increasingly since 2004 (see The Shadow Party by David Horowitz and Richard Poe) , YOU SHOULD BELIEVE THEM.
From the marxist Frankfurt School (since the end of World War II) , to Saul Alinsky (since the 1960's) , to Bill and Hillary Clinton (since their college years), to Barack and Michelle Obama (since their college years), to the Democrat cabinet members and Leftist media leaders during and since the Clinton administration and the Obama administration (Rahm Emmanuel, Robert Reich, Van Jones, Valerie Jarrett, Anita Dunn, etc.) , right on up to the present, where the gloves are completely off with a very KGB-like FBI that is openly acting as the fanatical enforcement branch of the Democrat-Bolshevik party.

And in the FBI's case, it is increasingly visible retrospectively that the FBI have been fully converted to the Bolshevik cause for at least 20 years, beginning with at least the Senator Ted Stevens case(R-Alaska), and the Scooter Libby case(related to Valerie Plame's outing as a CIA agent, who was actually outed by Richard Armitage, NOT Scooter Libby. But Libby was still imprisoned for years after Armitage revealed himself to be the one who unwittingly outed Plame, until Trump finally pardoned Libby).

How can even any Democrat at this point not see the obvious abuse of power and authoritarian over-reach regarding this Gal Luft person, combined with the DOJ / FBI persecution of everyone in the Trump movement, the FBI persecution of the right-to-life anti-abortion movement, the FBI persecution and arrests of parents who just peacefully appear at PTA movements and try to remove "woke"/trans indoctrination in schools.

And ultimately the FBI infiltration and framing of the Jan 6 2021 protesters outside and in the Capitol building, that was infiltrated with "at least 20" undercover FBI (by their own FBI Jan 6th investigation reports) agents disguesed as Trump supporters, who took away the police barricades to direct Trump supporters into unauthorized areas, FBI who opened the doors and let protesters in the Capitol building, FBI who undercover, DISGUISED as Trump supporters, (for example, Ray Epps) shouted , rallied and pushed Trump supporters to go inside the Capitol, FBI agents who smashed windows and directed or committed vandalism and violence that was blamed on Trump supporters.
Supporters who were framed and unjustly arrested and have been detained indefinitely without trial, without access to healthcare or to legal counsel, without sanitary plumbing or even clean drinking water, with Democrat/Left federal prison guards who openly despise them and express that hatred on their social media accounts, and in several cases guards have severely beaten prisoners and then even still deprived them of medical care for injuries and fractured bones.

The FBI corruptly trying to arrest and silence Gal Luft to protect the Bidens is shocking, but in the context of all the above and more, while alarming, is still predictable, based on years of bad acts by the Democrats and their zealous FBI intimidation branch.
It is a live performance of George Orwell's 1984.