Originally Posted by iggy
Republican congressmen have admitted they don't have anything other than circumstantial evidence of a crime and Wondy can't cope. If he wasn't in a cult, then he could see that he is everything he froths at "the other side" about.

Republicans Byron Dorgan and Marjorie Taylor Greene, on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo, just said there is a minimum of $ 17 million in provaable foreign wire-transfer payments to the Bidens. One revealed set of text messages clearly show Hunter Biden threatening the Chinese for their promised payments ( "I'm sitting here with my father..." ), for which the Bidens within days received PROVEN wire payments. The Burisma CEO also said he was forced to make $10 million in payments to Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, $5 million each. With PROVEN corresponding wire payments a few days later.
Rep Nancy Mace the same day said the foreign bribery payments to the Bidens could be as high as $50 million.
From China, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Rumania... and others known but not disclosed yet.

Joe Biden in a written letter revealed a few days ago to Devin Archer talks about being unable to get away from a meeting with then-Chinese president Hu Jintao, Joe Biden saying he was unable because of this to meet Devin archer and Hunter Biden, but expressed his great enthusiasm to do so, and Joe Biden glows with praise of Devin Archer and Hunter Biden's business partnership of Burisma Holdings (that would be the business partnership that Joe Biden for years has repeatedly said he had no knowledge of or involvement in, by the way.)

In testimony over the last week, Devin Archer testified that Hunter Biden with leaders of foreign powers called then-V P Joe Biden at least 20 times in Devin Archer's presence, showing Hunter Biden's ability to reach his V P father (and Joe Biden's V P power) on a moment's notice at any time, to solicit millions in foreign payments to buy Joe Biden's inside-government corrupt influence.

Over many years, 150 "suspicious activity reports" from foreign governments were sent to the DOJ and FBI, of suspicious wire transfers of cash from foreign powers to the Joe and Hunter Biden, and at least 50 more on more roundabout transfers of cash to other Biden family members. And more being uncovered every day. SAR reports existing many years, hidden by DOJ and FBI, un-earthed by the Republican-led House judiciary committee investigation, despite the partisan reluctance and evasion of the FBI and DOJ.

And pretty much every transaction and Burisma business communication with every business associate up til Dec 2019, recorded on Hunter Biden's laptop, PROVEN AND VERIFIED by multiple others involved in these e-mail thread communications, including Tony Bobulinski and Devin Archer. Along with a multitude of other crimes documented on the laptop, including tax evasion, inter-state prostitution trafficking, drug use, and the aforementioned treasonous selling of Joe Biden's VP office to foreign governments, bribery, influence peddling, etc., etc.

Burisma's CEO says he has 17 recorded phone calls with the Bidens, 15 with Hunter Biden, 2 with Joe Biden.

That's all pretty damn concrete evidence, to be just dismissively labelled as only "circumstantial evidence".
And again, more being uncovered every day. Republicans have plenty of evidence, they are just trying to not overstate their case to promise anything they can't deliver, to not create public expactations beyond what they can deliver.
And as is CRYSTAL clear, the 97% Democrat-donating DOJ and FBI have had virtually all this information for at least 6 years, and been burying and suppressing it for YEARS, until the Republicans finally got control of one branch of government in Jan 2023, and opened a House investigation committee, that FBI and DOJ are still jerking around and fighting tooth and nail to suppress evidence from.

But even so, the facts are still coming out, and they are damning to the Bidens, to Obama, to Hillary, to the entire Democrat party, and the Democrat-weaponized DOJ and FBI.
The Democrat-Bolsheviks are doing their best to obstruct and slow their release and exposure, but those facts are still coming out.