Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I love that the bullshit that you know is bullshit isn’t going to play in a court of law. I agree about what you’re saying about having a right to a lawyer in general but even lawyers have to follow some laws. A lawyer doesn’t get to commit crimes for their client like Giuliani has done for Trump. I read and posted a bit of an article in the Georgia indictment that involved Giuliani lying about election fraud. Trump and he then singled out a woman by name with the accusation. They then sent people to try to coerce her and threaten her with jail time. Just one of many acts that are part of that indictment.

This multiple-cases-at-once persecution of Trump is unprecedented.
There is absolutely no getting around Trump's right to counsel, and to private attorney-client priveleged communication. That's in the Bill of Rights, iron-clad, non-negotiable. Unless you are going to abolish the Constitutional republic, and turn us into an authoritarian Marxist state. Which is what Democrats are doing.

It is infuriating that you can even accuse Giuliani of being a criminal, let alone without evidence, just made-up viciously slanderous allegations. Giuliani was among the most accomplished U.S. attorneys for decades, several other U.S. attorneys interviewed have called him the single best U.S. attorney.
Giuliani went after mafia bosses and broke up and imprisoned crime families, under constant threats of him and his family being killed.
He then went on to be Mayor of New York City, and cleaned up crime in a way no one thought was even possible.
And needless to say, the exceptional job Giuliani did after Sept 11 2001 as mayor.

To allege that Giuliani is a criminal, JUST FOR BEING TRUMP'S ATTORNEY, is obscene.
Based on nothing.
He went to Ukraine and investigated the evidence against the Bidens, often speaking to people like Shokin, and Burisma executives, who feared being murdered for what they knew and could prove. It goes without saying that if THEY were at risk of being murdered, Giuliani was at risk too, for bringing forward the evidence against the Bidens, and against the Ukranian, Russian and Chinese governments.

SPECIFICALLY quote to me where Giuliani "lied about election fraud".
SPECIFICALLY., the exact quote. That is a vicious allegation, with nothing to back it up.
Giuliani is not the attorney for an Al Qaida prisoner at Guantanamo Bay, carrying orders from his client to subordinates, to order people killed. But you would think that, to see the way Democrats and the liberal media are portraying him.

Giuliani's only crime is defending Trump and making the case with THE EVIDENCE for election fraud. And for that, Guiliani and all of Trump's lawyers are targets to be destroyed by the Democrat-Bolsheviks, abusing their power to do so.
There's even a special group of lawyers that try to criminally prosecute and disbar ANY lawyers who defend Trump.
That's not "justice", that's just pure harassment and intimidation, and vindictiveness toward people you disagree with politically, to intimdate them into silence and destroy them, just for dissenting.
i.e., Democrat-Bolshevism.

They did the same not just to Giuliani, but to ALL of Trump's lawyers.
They did the same to Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), for even defending Trump, for investigating the evidence of election fraud. They fired her from a prestigious position teaching part time at Harvard Law school, and tried to have her disbarred as a lawyer.
And they did attempted to do the same to Alan Dershowitz, but were not successful at getting him fired or disbarred. But they sure as hell tried, and that personal destruction and intimidation deters others from defending Trump and other Republicans.
Democrat-Bolshevism, pure and simple.


You are defending tyranny, not justice. This is so obviously a series of indictments that have been brewing for over 2 years, and these prosecutors could have dropped the hammer at any time on each.
But then all 4 went down... RIGHT BEFORE the Republican primaries ?!?
CLEAR abuse of federal power, CLEAR election tampering. CLEAR Democrat-Bolshevism.

Not one of these cases presents a clear crime, every one of them is "bootstrapping", playing fast and loose with the law, splicing things together that are never done in that way in a legal and ethical prosecution. It is fantasyland. Get Trump, stop him, by whatever contrived means and abuse of power. And to ram a deceitful lawsuit through, they cherry-picked fanatically Democrat judges, fanatically Democrat voting districts with fanatically Democrat potential jurors. Just like in the Flynn case, in the Roger Stone case, in the Paul Manafort case, on and on. That is the ONLY way they could make these cases, that are designed to smear Republicans and benefit Democrat politically.

I've seen several U.S. attorneys interviewed who said they would never do this in all their decades of prosecution, because any U.S. attorney case has to avoid EVEN THE APPEARANCE of bias or political motivation. That in cases where multiple districts could pursue charges against a defendant, they would communicate and let one jurisdiction prosecute the person, and hold the other jurisdiction cases in reserve, if that conviction was not successful.
What is being done to Donald Trump, four, possibly even later five, cases tried simultaneously, indicted simultaneously during an election primary no less, when the accused has limited time to prepare for EVEN ONE case... this has NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE, let alone with such obvious bias and political motive for the indictments.
Not to Al Capone.
Not to Sam Giancana.
Not to John Gotti.

NO ONE has been prosecuted like this, ever before.
And on the most frivolous contrived "novel" charges.

There is no way you can defend this barrage against Trump, Giuliani and others. Everything Guiliani said three years ago, investigating the facts for himself in Ukraine (because the FBI were Democrat-Bolsheviks hiding the evidence given to them by the Ukranians) and Giuliani was vilified for by the Democrat leadership and the media as conspiracy theory, about Viktor Shokin's statements, about wire transfers and Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) about the Hunter Biden laptop e-mail communications, about Burisma executives.... but over those 3 years it has all been confirmed as absolutely true.

But Giuliani is a criminal. Right. Only in the eyes of a Bolshevik, reading the party's official talking points.