Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
It’s not hard to understand WB. Lying under oath is perjury for starters. So Rudy conceded that he made false statements. A lot of what you claim as evidence has been something Rudy avoids when under oath I’ve noticed. That’s been a consistent pattern with him and Trump.

You want evidence of lying under oath?
Look at Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and those who are covering up for them.

I just showed the EXACT language that was used in the article, and showed that Giuliani was never accused of "LYING" in court. Just that Giuliani's statements are false, or more precisely unprovable, despite that I and tens of millions of others, including 51% of independents, and 30% of Democrats, know 2020 was a rigged election. The evidence of that is not permitted by the bias of this judge. By the paramaters of what the judge permitted or excluded from the trial, Giuliani was not permitted to say what is true but not provable because of what the judge does and does not allow to be presented at trial.

Giuliani was forced to concede to these terms, in order to move away from this diversionary issue, and continue with the thrust of his case at trial. This is consistently how Republicans are handled in these "lawfare" cases: overcharged, rigged judges, rigged juries, rigged verdicts, and the judge excludes exculpatory evidence, and prosecutors don't disclose exculpatory evidence. And the rigged verdict is used as a political weapon to smear the entire Republican party, especially on Trump and his inner circle.

But Giuliani is someone who for decades has been described by others in the legal profession as one of the best, if not THE best U.S. attorney of the last 50 years.
Giuliani was an exceptional mayor, and cleaned up New York City in a way no one imagined it could be of crime and murders.
Giuliani risked his life for years prosecuting the worst organized crime families.
And it is absurd to accuse Giuliani of being a corrupt figure, this is just corrupt Democrats slandering and persecuting him, just showing how they can destroy ANYONE.
Giuliani's career is spotless.