Originally Posted by iggy
No case he's won has done anything to question the validity of 2020. Try and fail harder. He lost legitimately to a basement dwelling dementia patient. He'll be the same age as sleepy was if he somehow wins in 2024. Why should I ignore his age while everyone is going on about how old Joe, Mitch, and others are? Seems like something the cult wants to ignore as they talk about sleepy Joe.

As for the polls, you'll just call them propaganda if or when they flip.

AGAIN: Trump was winning by large margins until 3AM election night, when the {Democrat] election center supervisors in Atlanta, Detroit, Minneapolis, Maricopa County and Philadelphia, said they were shutting down vote counting for the night, and sent all Republican vote observers home. Then they stayed with only Democrats present and counted votes all night, and by the oddest coincidence, there was a huge spike in the ratio of votes for Biden at exactly that time.
They lied about a water main break in the Atlanta voting center, to send home Republican vote observers there.
Security camera video footage shows Democrat vote counters rigging the votes.
In Detroit, security camera video showed a U-Haul truck pulling up at 4AM filled with bags of illegal votes with no chain of custody.
Postal employees, at risk of their jobs (which they eventually lost) testified to organized ballot fraud and illegally backdating ballots by their managers, that they were forced to participate in.
HUNDREDS of cmpaaign volunteers, salaried campaign workers, Dominion contract employees and others all gave sworn statements to the election fraufd they witnessed. And virtually all of them were harassed and intimidated, some by the FBI, and ultimately, fired. If there is no election fraud, why not allow it to be investigated and verified or disproven? Why all the intimidation from even asking or investigating, why the silencing, if there is nothing to hide?
ONE REASON: because it WAS election fraud.

And in many places such as Maricopa in Arizona, the ballots that are supposed to be kept on file for such a re-count, were mysteriously shredded immediately.
Intimidation of even Alan Dershowitz, Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis and Trump's other lawyers, attempting to have them disbarred or imprisoned, just for representing Trump, in a LEGAL election challenge that is constitutional by both federal and state law.
Again, why the silencing, why the intimidation, for simply issuing a legal challenge ?

Republican officials and judges who wanted to prosecute this voter fraud were intimidated and threatened with facing criminal charges if they pressed election challenges, so they backed down. If even people like Alan Dershowitz, Jenna Ellis, Rudy Giuliani, and even sitting Rep. Elis Stefanik (the third most powerful Republican in the House) were facing threats and legal challenges, that level of Democrat-Bolshevism and intimidation CLEARLY stifled any legitimate legal challenge of the rigged election. And is testament to the fact it was rigged and covered up. FACT.

Regarding polls, We've been over this many times, there is liberal bias to the polls, so when a poll favors Trump or Republicans, that is significant and undeniable public support for the Republicans, and Democrat-leaning pollsters weren't able to hide support for Republicans in how they phrased the poll.

Regarding Trump's age, there are people who are losing it mentally at 60 or 65, and others (such as Trump) who remain sharp and energetic into their late 70's and beyond.
I recall also a Mother's Day ad that John McCain did with his mom during the 2008 campaign, showing that his genetics indicated he would remain sharp well into his 90's and into a potential presidency as well.