Originally Posted by iggy
He lost, you wanker, and I have no reason to believe that a decent chunk of his polling isn't Dems salivating at him being on the ballot again and others using him as symbol of anger that they won't actually vote for come November 2024. Touch grass, man.

In 2016 and 2020, Trump for all his popularity was never ahead in the polls.

But NOW... the polls CONSISTENTLY show Trump winning in 2024. Which by the way, are all liberal poll groups.
Trump has made huge gains among not just his previous base, but also among traditionally overwhelmingly Democrat groups, like black men, hispanic voters, asians, and people under 30. Even among muslim voters, who are repelled by the transgender woke stuff being pushed in our schools by Democrats.

I wonder what makes you irrationally hate Trump so much that you are so eager to see him lose at every turn, and gloat about it. That just further manifests you're an unhinged Democrat partisan who is incapable of looking at things objectively, beyond your obvious hatred for Trump and all things Republican/conservative. You occasionally front, at least in the past, to be a Pat Buchanan reader or a Ron Paul supporter. But your complete fanatical scorn for any other conservatives, and any conservative media, makes clear that front is just deception on your part.