
https://www.newsmax.com/us/sidney-powell-plea-deal-georgia/2023/10/19/id/1138905/ (reprinted from the team-Democrat leftist Associated Press)

Lawyer Sidney Powell Pleads Guilty in Georgia 2020 Election Case
Thursday, 19 October 2023 10:15 AM EDT

Lawyer Sidney Powell pleaded guilty to reduced charges Thursday over efforts to overturn Donald Trump’s loss in the 2020 election in Georgia, becoming the second defendant in the sprawling case to reach a deal with prosecutors.

Powell, who was charged alongside Trump and 17 others with violating the state’s anti-racketeering law, entered the plea just a day before jury selection was set to start in her trial. A judge agreed that she will serve about six years of probation, have to pay $2,700 in restitution and have to testify truthfully against her co-defendants.

She was initially charged with racketeering and six other counts as part of a wide-ranging scheme to keep the Republican president in power after he lost the 2020 election to Democrat Joe Biden. Prosecutors claim she also participated in an unauthorized breach of elections equipment in a rural Georgia county elections office.

What isn't discussed is that she's a highly accomplished lawyer and federal prosecutor, and was one of the lawyers in the Bill Clinton Whitewater special investigation.

What also isn't discussed is that she, as a private attorney afterward, represented multiple clients before the U S Supreme Court, and had a high ratio of having cases overturned by the Court, due to how egregiously corrupt, unfair and un-consttitutional those convictions were prosecuted by the FBI and DOJ.

A few years ago on Mark Levin's Life Liberty and Levin program, sometime in 2018-2019, Sidney Powell was interviewed for the full hour, on 30 years of cases she worked on. She warned that for over 25 years, in case after case, the FBI and DOJ had maliciously prosecuted, with-held exculpatory evidence, and exhibited incredible hubris in case after case, and she had overturned the convictions of many of them in the Supreme Court. I highly recommend watching this interview, to see her in her own words discuss her legal book, and the cases she worked on.

And at the core, in virtually all these cases, she reveals the same bad actors at FBI for over 25 years: James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Andrew Weissmann, Patrick Fitzgerald, Robert Mueller and many others who again appeared in the FBI's fake charges against Donald Trump and those in his administration, who once again abused their power in the FBI, DOJ, and Mueller special investigation. Following the same pattern of overcharging to intimidate innocent men into plea deals, hiding exculpatory evidence, and otherwise malicious prosecutions of innocent people, just to raise their conviction rates, or for Democrat-Bolshevik political purposes.

There is no way a lawyer like Sidney Powell, this smart and this accomplished, broke laws and made errors. She could only be ACCUSED of doing so in a rigged trial, with corrupt prosecutors, a corrupt judge,and a partisan jury pool, that was pushed by the judge and prosecutors into an over 90% Democrat venue, to select a jury from.
And while Sidney Powell early on legally filed to dismiss the frivolous case against her, when looking at how the Democrat-Bolsheviks and deep state have control of every piece of the legal system prosecuting her --prosecutors, judge and jury-- perhaps your best bet is to take a plea bargain and end it.

The prior cases against Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone and many other Trump officials, gives further evidence to how consistently rigged the system against them, and against Sidney Powell, is.

So Sidney Powell, who is 68, elected to take a plea deal, that gives her several years of probation and no jail time, with a fine that on her salary amounts to buying a pack of gum. And all she has to do is testify and tell the truth.
Not read an FBI script, as Michael Cohen did.
Or as FBI tried to make Jerome Corsi read, who told FBI o go to hell, and had a press conference where he told the truth about what the FBI was attempting, what FBI have been doing with over-charging and malicious prosecution shakedowns for at least 25 years.

Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), for example. Prosecution unanimously overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Multiple Enron and Arthur-Andersen executives , again maliciously prosecuted by FBI, again unanimously overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Scooter Libby, another example, maliciously prosecuted by FBI, and left in jail EVEN AFTER the TRUE leaker of information that exposed CIA agent Valerie Plame (State Dept deputy assistant Richard Armitage said he revealed her as a CIA agent) and came forward that it was him, not Libby who accidentally revealed her identity. But hey, Libby is a Republican, so Libby was left in jail, until Trump pardoned him many years later.

The case against Sidney Powell, and against many other Trump staffers, looks like yet another politically motivated malicious prosecution.
It's not even clear what Powell is accused of.

Vaguely described as "racketeering". For what? Legally challenging the Georgia state presidential election in court, as is hers, and Trump's, constitutional right?