Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
There were a number of good Lovecraft adaptations in the underground SKULL COMICS in 1971-1972, issues 4-5 (and issue 6 is an original story, but in the Lovecraft flavor).

SKULL COMICS issues 1-3 are more underground-ish, with sex, drugs and hippies, but also capture and are tribute to the unrestrained 1950's E C horror comics. I like the more sophisticated turn the series took in issues 4-6. With some nice art on multiple Lovecraft stories, from an unholy host of underground artists, including Spain Rodrigues, Jaxon, Corben, Sheridan, Dallas, and Dietch.

Two more underground series that ran concurrent with SKULL COMICS in the 1970-1972 period:

FANTAGOR 1-4, and a much later 5th magazine-size issue published in 1983

Richard Corben's self-published underground, with an E.C. style host chaqracter "Gurgy Tate" introducing the stories.
I especially like the opening and closing splash pages of the two-headed Fantagor and Gurgy Tate in issue 5.
Issue 1 is black and white, issue 2 is partial color, and 3 and 4 are full color. Issue 5 is partial color, and I think black and white works better on the horror stories presented.

GRIM WIT, the other E.C.-styled underground horror book by Corben from that period, hosted by Horrilor

These issues aren't online to read yet. There's a back cover house ad/poster on issue 2 that shows all 3 E.C.-styled horror hosts in one ad together, promoting the whole line.

Corben also did intro splash pages of another host character in WEIRDOM COMIX 14 and 15, more of a sexy Vampirella-type host character.

In 1973, Corben began doing work for Warren in CREEPY, EERIE, and VAMPIRELLA, and at that point his underground work mostly stopped.

A CORBEN SPECIAL, released in 1984 by Pacific Comic, is a pleasant addition, reminiscent of Corben's work on all these earlier horror/gothic offerings, adapting Edgar Allen Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher"

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

Still feeling a bit Halloween-y this morning.
Another selection from Richard Corben, WEREWOLF :


[Linked Image from images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com]

One of about 15 magazine-size collected albums of Corben's work.

The stories in this one collected from:

1) "Dead Hill", 6 pages, from the underground WEIRDOM COMIX 14, July 1971.

2) "The Beast of Wolfton", 25 pages, from GRIM WIT 1, 1972.

3) "Spirit of the Beast",8 pages, from HEAVY METAL, May 1980.

4) "Roda and the Wolf", 8 pages, from HEAVY METAL, Feb 1984.

5) "Lycanklutz", 8 pages, from CREEPY 56, Sept 1973

6) "Change Into Something Comfortable", 8 pages, from CREEPY 58, Dec 1973

7) "Fur Trade", 8 pages, new story first printed here in 1984, later r in DEN comic series 5, 1989.

With updated links.