Further proof of the Deep State going after any dissenting opinion, outside of the narrative in George Orwell's liberal media.

Matt Taibbi: IRS Raid on Me 'Politicized'

Matt Taibbi, one of the journalists who broke the "Twitter Files," told Newsmax that the Internal Revenue Service's storm on his home seemed "politicized" by its timing.

Appearing Friday on "Rob Schmitt Tonight," Taibbi said the IRS visited his house unannounced the day he talked with House Republicans [in televised House hearings] probing the Biden administration's weaponization of the government.

"It certainly looks politicized," Taibbi said about the federal agent reportedly showing up at his New Jersey property and leaving a note in March.

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, chair of the House Judiciary Committee, released on Oct. 27 a report detailing civil liberties abuses by the IRS, in which Taibbi's story was cited.
However, Taibbi also pointed to a lesser-known story in the report where an IRS agent allegedly used a false name and deceptive pretenses to enter an Ohio resident's home to "harass and intimidate" them.

"The other case in the report that Congressman Jordan described, I think, was worse than mine significantly," Taibbi argued, adding that the IRS agent reportedly told police that they lie about their identity "routinely."
Taibbi, a lifelong liberal Democrat, said he felt betrayed by his party when they tried to frame him as a fake reporter during his hearings before Congress and ignored his IRS story.

"I've been voting for Democrats my entire life — over three decades since I've been an adult," Taibbi said. They not only called me and Michael Shellenberger [another Twitter Files journalist] ... 'so-called journalists,' they described us as a 'threat to all who oppose us.'"
"If you're going to criticize me for going to a Republican, tell me which Democrat I could've appealed to in the circumstance," he continued, "and the answer was total silence."

Further proof of the Democrat-weaponization of federal agencies, the FBI, DOJ, NSA, CIA, and in this case the IRS, to intimidate an award-winning liberal journalist, who dares to investigate and report the facts, and in doing so strays away from the mainstream liberal narrative.

Just as they did liberal reporter Sharyl Attkisson, John Stossel, Ron Kessler, Lara Logan, John Solomon, Glenn Greenwald, and so many others who venture away from the narrative and do actual investigative reporting. Where liberal news agencies edit and blunt their reporting, or don't air it at all.
And Democrat-weaponized federal agencies hack into their computers or otherwise intimidate them. Your James Comey's, Andrew McCabes, Peter Strzoks, John Brennens and Lois Lerners at work.

[Linked Image from files.abovetopsecret.com]

And against Tulsi Gabbard, and Alan Dershowitz, and...

You get the idea.
No dissenting thought allowed, even from decades-long liberal Democrats.
Or their Democrat-weaponized federal agencies will be used to destroy even you.