Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
And again, I suspect many Republican Senate and House members are under the same FBI, CIA, NSA surveillance as the Trump administration was, to blackmail them to either vote with the Democrats or to not oppose them. That is a logical extension of what has been revealed over the last 6 years, of abuses by FBI and other agencies.

And follows the Democrat criminal authoritarian precedent of the "Filegate" scandal under the Bill Clinton administration, where even a less fanatical Democrat administration was ruthlessly attempting to do that kind of surveillance and blackmail, and was caught doing it.

And as I've cited before, the IRS and the FBI have been weaponized by Democrat administrations back to FDR, JFK, LBJ, Carter (causing the Church Committee), and the aforementioned fanatical ruthlessness of the Bill Clinton and Barack Obama administrations.
And no doubt, an emboldened Bolshevik Joe Biden administration, as we are seeing every day with 1,300 January 6th protesters unjustly imprisoned without due process or trial for 2 years now, and DOJ/FBI used to intimidate parents at PTA meetings nationwide who resist Bolshevik indoctrination in public schools, and to intimidate and arrest peaceful pro-life activists who are treated like terrorists under heavily-armed FBI raids of their homes.

Passively aided by RINO establishment Republicans like McConnell, Boehner, Paul Ryan and others, who are unconcerned beyond lip service with the will of conservatives who elected them, and enrich themselves with cushy jobs for themselves and their family members by trading favors with the corporate lobbyists who support them. Same as John Kerry and his step-son, same as Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Jim Biden and the rest of the clan. The corrupt establishment class, both Democrat and Republican.

Originally Posted by Iggy
None of that has or can be proven in court and please remember she can't even prove her hacking allegation before you throw another link to Sharyl at me. It is hilarious how you'll gloss right over the failures of "your side" to dance over the failures of the other.

Sharyl Attkisson's abundant evidence proves otherwise. She doesn't make stuff up, she quotes leaders even in the most respected news media, and in the journalism schools that train them, and shows their undeniable, fanatical and open bias against Trump and Republicans, chapter and verse, from their own statements and their own published articles and broadcast propaganda that fronts to be news. FACT.

None of Democrat corruption "can be proven" because your side obstructs and buries investigation !
Intimidates witnesses.
Owns at least 80% of the media and suppresses even what can be proven to be true !
Owns and hijacks FBI and DOJ, 97% of whose agents donated to the Hillary Clinton campaign. These people will do everything in their power to destroy the evidence and rig the investigation (if an actual full investigtion is ever permitted) to keep their ideological team-members out of jail.

Originally Posted by Iggy
I don't see this because that's not what is happening. The same way that I didn't see 2016 as the fascist takeover of America by Donald Trump. It is extremism that is bringing us closre to the brink from both sides. I don't consider myself much of a centrist, but I do think that people being unwilling to play the siren songs of the bases is a necessary position to take else the gyre widen too far for the center to hold.

You didn't see it under Trump, because he was restoring free speech and Constitutional freedom of speech, not using federal agencies to arrest, intimidate or suppress his political opposition.
As opposed to under Obama's presidency, and now Biden's, where they were OPENLY suppressing the news media, spying on reporters (including Sharyl Attkisson as she documents, and more recently Miranda Devine at the New York Post during the 2020 campaign, to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story, evidenced by Elon Musk's recent "Twitter Files" releases of documents )
Obama's arresting reporters, where even a 45-year-long New York Times reporter, who previously covered Watergate, called the Obama government the "most control freak administration I've ever dealt with", for its spying on reporters, and firing officials caught speaking with the media as administration sources. That's Chinese Communist Party level authoritarianism and suppression.

You constantly talk about "extremism from both sides", but that is just another lying narrative to hide that the extremism is only on ONE side, THE DEMOCRAT SIDE, who are weaponizing government agencies against their political opposition and all dissent, even on the Democrat side. It is only the DEMOCRATS who identify as Cultural marxists and are using the media, corporate power and lobbyists, federal intelligence agencies, and federal law enforcement agencies, to try to absolutely crush the opposing Republican party, intimidate and crush all dissent, even falsely imprison dissenters without due process and without trial.
The closest Republicans come is RINOs, who just passively sit on their hands and enrich themselves from lobbyists, to let it happen. But all the federal weaponization and authoritarian push for a one-party-controlled system is on the Democrat-Bolshevik side.

If you don't see it, that is because you are willfully ignorant of the facts in front of you. As David Horowitz said in THE SHADOW PARTY, the globalist left trades favors with some Republicans such as the late John McCain. But their chosen instrument to destroy the United States is the Democrat Party.

And just today...


Justice Department faces Senate investigation over alleged spying on congressional staffers

GOP Senators demand DOJ answer for alleged spying on House and Senate staffers during 'Russia Collusion' probe

Your 97% Democrat weaponized DOJ /FBI at work.
Appearing to confirm my suspicion of surveillance on House and Senate Republicans, to blackmail and intimidate Republican leaders into voting with or not opposing Democrat-Bolshevik legislation.

They attempted it in the Bill Clinton years, and clearly, an even more fanatical Democrat party, and its agents in DOJ, FBI and other federal intelligence agencies, are still doing it.