Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Note who’s trying to character assassinate the officers that were brutally beaten by the Trump supporters while trying to paint the same rioters as the victims. There isn’t even fake sympathy.

My cited facts, quoted above.

I'm not slandering anyone, it is A FACT these four officers could not even read or pronounce the words in their testimonies, CLEARLY not their own words, CLEARLY written for them by someone else, CLEARLY a lying Democrat narrative, NOT factual or accurate.

For example, officer Harry Dunn made the incendiary allegation that Trump protesters called him "nigger" over and over, about a hundred times amid he protest. But with hundreds of cel phones recording, and further media reporters with network cameras around him, NOT ONE video has come forward that validates his allegation.
Likewise, Harry Dunn's social media posts, where FOR YEARS he railed with hatred on Trump and other Republicans, and voiced his eager support for Black Lives Matter and the Democrat/Left, even posting photos of himself at a Black Lives Matter protest, and wearing BLM clothing.
It is a FACT he (Harry Dunn) is a Democrat partisan.
Likewise Michael ("Republicans need to be cut out like a cancer") Fanone, now a paid consultant on CNN.
Likewise the other two, by their own partisan remarks, for a rigged Soviet-style Democrat-controlled "House Select Comittee on January 6th". It is a FACT this Democrat committee's "evidence" was so self-incriminatingly deceitful, that they shredded 40% of the committee's records before the Republicans could get their hands on them to objectively investigate it, when Republicans gained the House majority in Jan 2023.

I fail to see what is an attempt to "character assassinate", I sourced and cited the objective facts, INCLUDING video of the full three hours of testimony by these four scripted and staged officers, who are clearly partisan Democrats, just reading a partisan narrative. NOT simply testifying in their own words about events they were involved in on January 6th protests, but clearly just reading a narrative with all the desired Democrat-narrative buzz-words, that was written by SOMEONE ELSE.