
I've seen Taylor Swift in the news, and she doesn't offend me. But at the same time I don't think she's any big deal, just another pop musician, with questionable significance beyond superficial entertainment.

All four years Trump was president, he should have been person of the year.
This last year where Trump has courageously stood up to persecution by an authoritarian Democrat federal government out of control, he should be person of the year.

But the only ones TIME even nominated were... Trump's partisan Democrat-Bolshevik accusers.
REALLY?!? Leticia Jones, Jack Smith, Fanni Willis?
REALLY? People who have twisted the law into a pretzel, and judge-shopped for partisan Democrat judges before even ordering their subpeonas of Trump? They accuse Trump of being Hitler, while these prosecutors and judges are, in fact, the Nazis.

Watch the movie Judgement at Nuremberg . It's about the post-war trial of the German judges who made Nazi weaponization of government, of "legal" arrests of all opposition, of concentration camps, of genocide, possible.
EXACTLY what these above prosecutors and judges are doing under the Biden administration right now. Trump should be awarded forstanding up to this tyranny so courageously, and rallying public support while doing so.

Likewise the recently elected presidents in Argentina, Netherlands, Italy, and for several years in power despite the other EU states demonizing them, Hungary.
And Zelenskyy in Ukraine. One or all of them should be "person of the year".
All are populist conservatives in the same spirit as Trump, winning against overwhelming odds through perseverance and courage. In Zelenskyy's case, he said he was directly inspired by Trump, to lead a populist fight against corruption in his country.

THAT is worthy of person of the year, not some 4th or 5th generation Madonna pop star.

20 years ago, TIME was a conservative magazine. FORTUNE as well. And WSJ. What the hell happened ?