Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Just watched the film last night and liked it. It isn’t about race but basically a series of events occurs that end up being revealed as attempts to destabilize our country by hostile entities. The film literally ends with a question mark. There is a line of dialogue where one character says you can’t trust white people but that isn’t what the movie shows or supports. The character in question is basically trying to rationalize a selfish act. Her dad owns a house outside of New York that they flee too as things fall apart. Her dad however had rented the place out for the week to another family. The internet is down as well as the phones at this point with the last bit of news making it out that we’re under cyberattack. Things get worse from there but it’s not along racial lines as the movie moves forward.

"attempts to destabilize our country by hostile entities"....

You just described Barack Obama himself, and the entire Democrat-Bolshevik party since 2004.
Read THE SHADOW PARTY by David Horowitz and Richard Poe.

The sainted Barack Obama said before the 2008 election : "We're just 5 days away from radically transforming America."
And that's exactly what the Democrt Bolsheviks have done since he was elected in 2008.

Who wants to "radically transform" a country they love?
Barack Obama is a Culural Marxist revolutionary, pure and simple. https://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individuals/barack-hussein-obama/

Black Lives Matter, Antifa and the Open Borders movement are awash in dark money, and what they've done to this country since 2004 terrifies me. That dark money comes from George Soros, the globlist / marxist anti-American Left, and the Chinese Communist Party. (Just as the Soviet Union for decades financed communist U.S. newspapers, the Students For a Democratic Society, the Vietnam anti-war movement, the Black Panthers, and other radical and de-stabilizing groups. That is who the Democrat party, then and now, has aligned with. And Obama has become a centerpiece of that. )