As I've sourced, linked and cited before, "Factcheck" is a joke Democrat propaganda site, that 75% of the time attacks Republicans. It is owned by a far-Left Democrat newspaper .

Likewise Snopes and Politifact. They are one-sided propaganda sites, under a false front of neutral factchecking.

I've already cited the PROOF of Trump overseeing the best economy the U.S. has seen in over 50 years, despite your Democrat-blog spin.

All the statistics I just cited. Better than under Reagan, under W. Bush, under Obama, and certainly under Biden. FACT.
The immutable federal statistics I cited make that undeniably clear, despite your best attempts to spin it otherwise.

The only interruption of Trump's unparalleled economic achievements was the Democrat-orchestrated economic shutdown due to Covid beginning in mid-March 2020, pushed by Faauci and other Democrat governors. All the jobs "lost" during Trump's term were jobs TEMPORARILY suspended due o the shutdown. And the jobs "created" under Biden were not actually created, just people going back to those jobs that weren't even actually lost, just suspended.

Total B.S. on your part, that only a Media Matters propagandist could front or believe. And according to virtually every poll, NO ONE but go-down-with-the-ship Democrat true believer lefists are buying the snake oil that you're selling.
Even people under 30, even blacks, even hispanics, are supporting the Trump / Republican ticket in ratios not seen in 60 years, if ever.