
Tucker Carlsson Just FLIPPED The Jan 6 Narrative - Does this Exonerate Trump?

In response to Tucker Carlson's suppressed interview of the Capiol police chief, which would have aired on his show the very day Tucker Carlson was fired.
Believed to be the exact reason Fox abruptly fired Tucker Carlson when they did, in late April 2023.
Russel Brand injects a lot of humor and bombast that makes his arguments fun as well as informative. With his heavy cockney accent, that adds a humorous twist to it as well.

As Russell Brand explains, the police chief (Stephen Sund) in the interview reveals that he was NOT informed by anyone of the presence of undercover FBI (and DHS, and DC Metro police, and Antifa) DISGUISED AS Trump supporters in the crowd on Jan 6th. Very likely because they were the actual ones stoking the violence.

Russell Brand's bullet-points of what we know about January 6th:

  • 1) Dozens of agents and confidential informants from multiple [federal and DC Metro] law enforcement agencies were present [disguised as Trump supporters, among the crowd].

    2) Court documents indicate there were also FBI informants among two of the groups that organized violence on Jan 6, Proud Boys, and Oathkeepers. [And it was these FBI agents, not the groups themselves, that provided that organizaion.]

    3) The FBI has a long history of using confidential informants to entrap people who otherwise would not have committed a crime.

    4) At best, the Jan 6th riot was a massive security failure;
    At worst, [FBI] informants may have the very ones who encouraged rioters to enter the Capitol.

    5) After Jan 6th while establishment Democrats and commentators called for many non-violent January 6 participants to be harshly prosecuted, even charged with "felony murder" , some judges and prosecutors opted for leniency, acknowledging that "the actions of many individual rioters often boiled down to trespassing". [At least 90% of cases, actually.]

    6) At least two FBI whistleblowers [have been] persecuted for concerns over how the January 6 protesters were treated. [FBI agent Steven] Friend expressed concerns about the FBI's use of SWAT teams to arrest January 6 subjects. Within a month of these disclosures by him, the FBI removed Friend's security clearance, and removed him from active duty. And [FBI agent Garret] O'Boyle disclosed that the FBI pressured him to violate the law by opening domestic violence extremism investigations without sufficient basis. O'Boyle was transferred to a new unit, moved his family across the country, and was placed on unpaid suspension the day he arrived.

    7) While [Capitol police chief ] Stephen Sund was begging [on Jan 6th, during the riots] to greenlight assistance from the National Guard [already advance authorized days ahead of he 6th by President Trump, an order obstructed by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer] the needed National Guard troops were "within eyesight" of the Capitol, but by he time the National Guard finally showed up, Sund noted, "New Jersey state police had beaten them to the Capitol.

    8) According o the GAO (General Accounting Office) report, the actions or lack thereof [on advance intelligence of potential violent/terrorist threats] taken up until the Jan 6 riot [FBI and other federal intelligence advance information on threats, NOT shared with Sund and the Capitol police] led Sund to believe that intelligence officials in power were aware of the attack in advance, and covered it up by failing to disseminate the information to those who needed it.

    9) Lawmakers [on the Jan 6th House Committee] didn't want Sund to testify.

    9) In the aftermath of the Jan 6 riot, [House and Senate] lawmakers began to schedule hearings on the security failures, while the [Democrat] fever pitch grew to launch a snap impeachment of the outgoing president [Trump].

    10) "I fought to testify" Sund said, "but they didn't want me to testify in the Senate hearing."

And still pending:

  • 1) Donald Trump is facing 4 charges relating to alleged attempts to overthrow the 2020 election result... with maximum charges ranging from 5 to 20 years in prison.

    2) The January 6 Capitol riot has frequently been compared to the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks. On one hand, the comparison is absurd.
    However, the two events do have some stark parallels.
    Each was an avoidable security failure, received a mountain of fear-inducing media coverage, AND HAS SINCE BEEN USED TO JUSTIFY FURTHER CENTRALIZATION OF REPRESSIVE GOVERNMENT POWERS.

    3) The response to events of January 6th has been marked by a crackdown on dissent: a dramatic increase in anti-protest bills around the country, including at least 88 that have been introduced since the Capitol riot; A massive buildup of the Capitol police into a national force to target "terrorism"; as well as rollout by the Biden administration of a sweeping counter-terrorism strategy.
    In many ways, the response to January 6 may wind up being more dangerous than the event itself.

Answering Russell Brand's own cui bono question: It benefits the Biden administration and the Democrat-Bolsheviks, by giving them the pretense to eliminate their political opposition before the 2024 election, to stay in power, while the polled voters overwhelmingly rejects them, even their own traditional demographic support base. In a Democrat-planned crushing of dissent very similar to the overthrow of Bolsanaro in Brazil, in a similar rigged election and lockdown on dissent.
And similarity to Putin in Russia, Xi Xinping in China, Erdogan in Turkey, and Trudeau in Canada.
All of whom were pioneers of such lockdowns on dissent in their own countries, several of whom enjoy praise from Democrats, for this kind of authoritarian national control.
An opinion also shared by the billionaires who support and fund the Democrat-Bolshevik party.

And the M E M zealots of The Democrat-Bolshevik party are still completely on board.