Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You have proven yourself to me WB and what you truly value. It’s all partisan propaganda.

Gee, that's funny, I don't see any sourced facts you cited, to contest MY cited, sourced and verifiable facts.

That would be the proof that YOU are the one lying, not me.
Democrat-Bolsheviks are rigging the U.S. justice system, using it to corruptly try and destroy Donald Trump's candidacy, so they can complete the destruction of our Constiutional republic, and finish building an authoriarian one-party Marxist/Socialist uttopia to replace it.

And I've cited a billion examples of their corrupt destruction of the rule of law they are using to destroy our country, and to maliciously attack their Trump/Republican political opposition.:
  • Imprisonment of about 1,300 innocent protesers in he wake of he Jan 6h protests. And Merrick Garland wants to arrest 1,000 more !!
  • FBI infiltrating churches and labelling conservative Christians as dangerous domestic terrorists.
  • FBI going to PTA meetings and taking license plae numbers of parents who object to woke indoctrination of their children in schools, targeting hem for intimidation, harassment and arrest.
  • Same thing, arresting peaceful pro-life protesters, with AR-!5's rifles drawn, and red-dot laser sights on their heads.
  • Legislating 87,000 more IRS agents, to target their Republican opposition.
  • Democratss using Lois Lerner and the IRS, targeting Tea Party and defense-of-marrriage religious groups like Franklin Graham, and large donors to the Republican party like Frank Vandersloot to expensive audits. Harassing Republicans donors and key organizers, to intimidate tthem into receiving less support, to consolidate power of a one-party Democrat-Bolshevik system.
  • The Democrat -weaponized FBI falsifying FISA surveillance warrants to do surveillance on pretty much every person in the Donald Trump 2016 campaign, and then continued that surveillance on the inaugurated Trump administration.
  • Sending moles and fake "Russian assets" to multiple people in Trump's campaign, including Donald Trump Jr., George Pappadapoulos, and Michael Caputo, to try and entrap them into taking fake illegal classified Hillary Clinton e-mails offered, for which they could have been arrested. But these Trump official refused and instead reported these offers to the FBI (who sent these "assets" into Trump's campaign as bait, to entrap them), and FBI was in fact disappointed these Trump officials didn't take he bait.
  • FBI agents deliberately creating false media narratives of "Russia collusion" (now disproven) to try and destroy Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. Weaponizing the FBI, FISA court, CIA and other federal agencies, to help Hillary Clinton win, to rig the election for her.

On and on.

And even Democrats doing the same thing to Democrats who get in their way. Wikileaks e-mails released right before the 2016 Democrat National Convention, that revealed then-chair Debbie Wasserman birch-cunt Schultz openly plotting in email chains with other Democrat leaders how to destroy Bernie Sanders' campaign, to clear the way for heir annointed Hillary Clinton. After being forced to resign, Schultz was hired immediately by the Hillary Clinton campaign. Corrupion unashamedly on full display.

Or the Democrat inner circle's attacks on Rep.Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) who also got in their way.

Or Biden's current refusal to give Secret Service protection for Robert F. Kennedy Jr., despite repeated requests by him for protection. Despite that his uncle (JFK) and faher (RFK) were both assassinated as a president, and as a presidential candidate. Your party is evil. Pure and simple. Democrat-Bolsheviks.

Democrats, the party of socialism and outright unashamed Marxism.
The party of BLM, Antifa and other violence, as a standard weapon of intimidation and violence by the Democrat party.
The party that aligns wih the Chinese, and is unquestionably the party that is deliberately de-stabilizing and destroying this country from within the Biden adminisrtation itself, and for 8 years before that the Obama administration.
The party of Critical Race Theory, the 1619 project, and otherwise hating and destroying America from within.
The party of open borders.

Across the board, your party is evil. Those are just the examples I can immediately cite from recent memory. Your party is evil.

What I'm citing is not "lies" and "propaganda" it is quite simply the easily verifiable truth.

Whether Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Robert Reich, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, Alexaandria Ocasio-Corez, Ilhan Omar, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Chuck Schumer, Na=ncy Pelosi, you name it. They are corrupt to the core and openly marxist-radical (or at least gladly aliign with and enable marxist /leftisst radicalism) as can be verified by reading the facts of any of their histories, either as individuals or groups.



[Linked Image from files.abovetopsecret.com]

Evil and treasonous. They don't even try to hide it anymore.