Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
It seems fitting that you listen to Dinesh, someone that actually committed voter fraud. One more hateful uber partisan voice telling you what you want to hear.

lol lol lol

Ohhh, PLEASE !

We both know that D'Souza's was a very selective prosecution by a 97% Democrat FBI, that litterally thousands of Democrats were NOT prosecuted for, who did the exact same thing.


Selective prosecution of Dinesh D’Souza
Liberals take revenge on a conservative documentary producer

By THE WASHINGTON TIMES - - Monday, May 19, 2014

Lady Justice’s blindfold sometimes slips. No argument about that. But now she has thrown it aside to prosecute — some would say persecute — Dinesh D’Souza, a successful conservative author and filmmaker, on flimsy charges of violating campaign finance law. Whether guilty or not, the fact that Mr. D’Souza has been singled out for prosecution while others skate past freely reveals President Obama’s thumb on the famous lady’s scale.

Mr. D’Souza, a sharp but respectful critic of the president, goes on trial Tuesday in a federal courtroom in Manhattan charged with using “straw donors” to bypass federal campaign finance limits. These are the limits that the U.S. Supreme Court has been finding incompatible with the First Amendment. Nevertheless, prosecutors say Mr. D’Souza arranged for others to donate $20,000 to the 2012 U.S. Senate campaign in New York of Wendy Long, a personal friend. By reimbursing them, they allege, he circumvented the $5,000 legal limit. He faces the prospect of two years in prison for what his lawyer calls “an act of misguided friendship.”

Life in the Third World teaches some people to despise America, but not Mr. D’Souza. He embraced the promise of freedom when he arrived in America as an exchange student from his native India. He found his political home among conservatives at Dartmouth College in the 1980s, and strengthened his convictions at the Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institution. Unabashed in his faith, he wrote several books of Christian apologetics including “What’s So Great about Christianity?” which made him an icon of the right and a pain in the nether regions of those on the left.

Mr. D’Souza’s relentless criticism of the effect that Mr. Obama and his relentless campaign to transform America into a close semblance of failed cultures elsewhere has put the filmmaker in the prosecutorial crosshairs. He wrote “The Roots of Obama’s Rage” in 2010 and produced “2016: Obama’s America” in 2012, the second-highest-grossing U.S. documentary film ever. He is, say his lawyers, “a sharp critic of the Obama presidency who has incurred the president’s wrath.”

Indeed, four Republican senators wrote to FBI Director James Comey in February, pointing out how convenient it was to use the Justice Department to take out one of the administration’s most prominent critics. The senators quoted Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, a liberal who said, “I can’t help but think that [Mr. D’Souza’s] politics have something to do with it… . It smacks of selective prosecution.” U.S. District Judge Richard Berman swept away such objections last Thursday, saying “the court concludes the defendant has respectfully submitted no evidence he was selectively prosecuted.” It’s clear who’s wearing a blindfold now.

The Justice Department that would imprison Mr. D’Souza for two years for giving unfair advantage to a friend’s political campaign declined to prosecute members of the New Black Panther Party for threatening white voters with nightsticks at a Philadelphia polling place in 2008. Moreover, Mr. Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign was itself fined $375,000 in 2013 for failing to disclose millions of dollars in contributions and missing deadlines for refunding millions in excess contributions. No one was threatened with prison for that. (That was different, of course.)
Whether Dinesh D’Souza is found guilty or not guilty, there’s scant doubt that in Mr. Obama’s America, Lady Justice has retired her blindfold and pledged her sword to the president.

Same thing with the FBI's Hillary Clinton investigation of her illegal computer e-mail server.
Same thing with FBI investigating Hillary Clinton's negligence causing the Benghazi attacks in 2012.
Same thing with FBI's investigation of the Clinton Foundation's pay-to-play scheme, where the Clintons racked up $150 million, by selling State Department access, in exchange for millions donated to the Clinton Foundation by hostile foreign governments. Including brokering the Uranium One deal to Russia, that alone compromised national security. Among many such deals.

FBI prosecuion of Republican Senator Ted Stevens (a hustle by the FBI) unanimously reversed on appeal by the U.S. Supreme Court, but only AFTER Stevens' senate seat was handed over to a Democrat by the scandal, by a 97% Democrat FBI.

FBI malicious prosecution of Scooter Libby (for a crime Libby was not even guilty of, it was Richard Armitage who came forward and said that he believes he was the one who inadvertantly gave the puzzle pieces to columnist Robert Novak, that allowed Novak to discover Valerie Plame was a CIA agent.
EVEN AFTER Armitage revealed himself, Libby still sat in jail, FOR YEARS, until pardoned by President Trump.

Over and over, FBI maliciously prosecutes Republicans to the hilt for political reasons, and over-charges to extort them into plea deals for crimes they didn't commit, or otherwise spend decades in prison.

And simultaneously, over and over, FBI deliberately scuttles the cases against Democrat political leaders, even in the face of overwhelming evidence, to give them a free pass and protect them from indictment and conviction, for far worse crimes. Hillary Clintton. Bill Clinton. Barack Obama. Joe Biden.

And so is the case of D'Souza. His case was just an excuse to overcharge and imprison an Obama political opponent.
In similar cases, other defendants did not even do jail time, just paid a fine.

And D'Souza is not a "hateful uber partisan voice". Far from it.
With humor and journalistic/academic cited sources and notes, he just matter-of-factly presents evidence that is inconvenient to the Democrat narrative.
THAT is what you and the rest of the Democrat-Bolshevik Left get so upset about, is that D'Souza and other conservative authors and media have any voice at all, and are able to present their facts to the public, and punch holes in your vicious lying narratives.

On the subject of "hateful uber partisan voices", D'Souza is never the angry fire-breathing demagogue you see in Keith Olbermann or Ed Schultz, or Chris Mathews, or Rachel Maddow.
Or Nicolle Wallace on MSNBC, who openly fantasized on the air that Biden could send a CIA assassination team to kill Donald Trump at Mar A Lago. She was not taken off the air, did not receive any punishment from her network for these remarks, incredibly.
Similarly the harpies on The View suggested that Biden could send a drone attack to kill Trump.
These are network anchors and pundits, openly inciting assassination of a recent and campaigning future president. Who receive no admonition or punishment, which emboldens more such rhetoric, and such actual violent acts.

And then for a whole summer, a team of actors in the play Hamilton stabbed Trump to death on stage in effigy several times a week, for the whole summer. And news pundits of the Democrat/Left and Democrat late night talk show hosts cheered it on, all summer.

You were saying something about "hateful uber partisan voices", M E M ?
THAT is hate.

Not to mention the many executives and campaign volunteers working for Bernie Sanders and multiple other Democrat House and Senate candidates secretly interviewed and caught on video by Project Veritas, similarly voicing their hatred of Republicans, and their wish to see them harmed or put in Gulags "for re-education" Soviet-style.

Similarly executives and mid-level employees for Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media companies, also recorded by Project Veritas, ALSO voicing their hatred for Republicans and the need to see them silenced, or violently killed or put in Gulags.


Or the PBS senior legal department attorney (also caught on camera by Project Veritas) who envisioned using HHS to take away the children of conservatives, and giving hem to leftist foster parents, to be indoctrinated away from conservative values of their parents, and into the Leftist/Democrat "right way of thinking".

Hate, M E M ?

You know all this, and because you are such an indoctrinated leftist shithead (you weren't always, but you sure are now), you don't have the slightest problem with any of that.
Your only problem is that these Democrats GOT CAUGHT, are exposed for the Bolshevik and potentially genocidal lunatics they are.
Chillingly, your only concern is how to hide those facts, to punish and slander and silence the conservatives who exposed these undeniable facts, caught on video, verbatim, these exact undeniable words.
Rather than pull away from the fanatics who said them, YOUR only instinct is to attack and silence the conservatives who EXPOSED these undeniable words of hatred.

And all too often, violent ACTS by Democrats, not just violent words:




But you, like an indoctrinated leftist shithead, are all on board.

And yet have the audacity to accuse D'Souza and other Republicans of "hate".
Irony, that. Piled up to infinity.