Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Your reputation makes any accusations against me value free. Trump never brought any credible evidence into court that would have altered Biden’s huge win. Instead he just gave his followers accusations, lies and anger while he tried to steal the election with multiple slates of fake electors. Your support for all of it shows who you are WB.

My "reputation" is for many years to post facts and linked sources to back up what I'm saying.
While all you have is insults, slanders, and fake narratives.
My sourced facts, your Democrat-Bolshevik deceitful tactics.

And Trump's lawyers brought PLENTY of evidence to court, hundreds of witnesses, hundreds of sworn affidavits from these witnesses, but Clinton- and Obama-appointed judges refused to hear it in court. They in some cases said the cases "lack standing" as a way to sidestep having to hear the evidence.

And as I've said repeatedly, there were also Republican judges who were also part of the corrupt uni-party, or a second group of judges who are afraid of getting the same personal destruction as Rudy Giuliani or Alan Dershowitz, where they can likewise be investigated, indicted by he 65 Project, and bankrupted by legal fees fighting the lawfare cases against them. So hey just choose to step out of the way and abandon Trump and his supporters to the Democrat-Bolshevik wolves.. It's just easier and safer. But it is NOT justice, or "de-bunked". Not even close.

What all this shows is that, unlike you, I can think for myself and see through the propaganda, and not just suck on the propaganda nipple of what CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, and the rest of the shamelessly deceitful leftist media narrative YOU are feeding yourself on.

Originally Posted by Iggy
He is what he accuses everyone else to be...a partisan wack-job hack!

All you have is insuls, never any facts to back it up. I cite and source facts, and explain exactly why you and M E M are the partisan wack jobs.

You have a rigged 2020 election.
Three years of visibly false Covid-19 narratives.
The Twitter Files showing how the Hunter Biden laptop story was suppressed by George Orwell's Google, Facebook, Twitter and Insagram.

Multiple FBI and DOJ deliberately false investigations of Trump for "Russia collusion" that even Strzok and Page in their FBI texts say they knew from the start there was "No 'there' there." a

A fake Mueller Report, where (as detailed by John Solomon, at JustTheNews) they (Strzok and Page) knew the Russia collusion charges against Trump were absolutely false by February or March of 2017 at the latest. Bu the Mueller team dragged on the investigation till way past the Nov 2018 election, until July 2019, to influence and damage the Republicans in the Nov 2018 election. They finally released their report in July 2019. From a partisan Mueller team of entirely Democrat lawyers, over 10 of them large donors to the Democrat party, one who came directly from the Clinton foundaion, and early on, Trump-hating conspirators Peer Strzok and Lisa Page were part of the Mueller team. There was NOT ONE Republican on that investigative team.

But hey, NOT AT ALL partisan against Trump, right Iggy? Perfectly fine.
And within 2 weeks of the dissastrous Mueller report, an even more disastrous (for Democrats) Senate hearing of Mueller, about a report he (Biden-like, just a puppet) CLEARLY did not write himself or have any familiarity with to answer questions about. It was Democrat-Bolshevik Andrew Weissmann who actually wrote the Mueller report, that a feeble Mueller could not have written himself, and in hearings was clueless to discuss.

And just a week or two after that, Democrats unleashed the "whistleblower report" about Trump's phone call to a just-inauguraed President Zelenskyy in Ukraine. And Democrats rushed out their new false narrative, and fast-tracked an impeachment of Trump in Jan 2020, that House Democrats all eagerly voted for impeachment on, despite the call being de-classified and released by Trump himself, PROVING he did nothing wrong in his call with Zelenskyy.

It was in fact Hillary Clinton and her campaign, and the DNC, boh of whom ACTUALLY colluded with the Russians (hiring Perkins-Coie law firm, who hired Fusion GPS, who hired former British MI-6 agent Christopher Steele, who using Clinton / DNC - provided cash, bought the salacious Trump info directly from Russian intelligence agents. RUSSIA COLLUSION ANYONE? )

And likewise Joe Biden who ALSO ACTUALLY DID the Russia collusion Donald Trump was only falsely accused of, when Hunter Biden and Joe Biden took millionsin payoff from Burisma, and then Biden threatened then-Ukraine president Poroshenko that if he didn't fire the prosecutor (Shokin) investigating Burisma and the Bidens, that Joe Biden would take away $1 billion in foreign aid from Ukraine.
JOE BIDEN: "well son of a bitch... he fired him."
That Biden openly boasted about doing at a CFR meetign a few months later.

A flashing neon "INFLUENCE PEDDLING" on Poroshenko by Biden, but... It's a Democrat, so the FBI doesn't care.

And FBI actually buried the Hunter Biden laptop till a year later, AFTER the Nov 2020 election, and even then FBI only acknowledged it after that pesky Delaware computer repair shop guy finally went to House Republicans, after he FBI stonewalled the promised investigation for a year. FBI would have hidden the laptop contents forever, if they could get away with it. As a matter of fact, as I recall, it was the repair shop guy and the House Republicans who released the contents, while the FBI still alleges the laptop they have is "missing" or otherwise will not release it for some contrived reason. House and Senate Republicans ask FBI about it, and just get jerked around by FBI, who refuse to provide any information.

I is IN SPITE OF the FBI, not because of FBI, that the media and the public know the contents of the Huner Biden laptop. Plus confirmation by former Burisma officials, by Shokin, and by Hunter Biden's business associates such as Tony Bubulinsky and Devin Archer, who were in the Hunter Biden email chans, and have verified they are Hunter's actual emails.

And the FBI spied on New York Post reporter Miranda Devine through her FISA-surveiled phone calls with Rudy Giuliani and other Trump officials, according to Miranda Devine herself and Giuliani, so a spying FBI knew exacly when to compose and release their 51-signature letter from so-called intelligence officials (none of who ever actually saw the Biden laptop contents), but eagerly labelled it with the "looks like Russian disinformation" narrative, using former FBI and CIA officials (like James Baker) who were secretly still serving FBI in private-sector executive positions in Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Instagram, where they could help FBI and CIA suppress the lapttop and have it blocked on social media. As was the New York Post's social media accounts. (again: See Elon Musk and Mat Taibbi's " Twitter Files"

So once again.... EVERYTHING Democrats merely slander Republicans to be doing, turns out to be what Democrats are ACTUALLY DOING THEMSELVES.
But hey, no investigation, no indicment, no prosecution or even the possibility of a conviction or jail time. FBI is flying cover for Democrats. After all, these are DEMOCRATS, FBI does't prosecute them !
No, for Democrats they scuttle the evidence, and avoid recording their depositions, so they can' be found guilty of perjury later.
But in the cases of Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Rick Gates, George Pappadaapoulos, Roger Stone and other Trump Republicans, these same FBI deep state agents lay a minefield of perjury traps, to frame Trump officials for manufactured perjury, so they can still convict them and force them into plea bargains when they haven't actually committed any crime.
Protect Democrats from any prosecution.
Maliciously prosecute Republicans.
Yeah, that's fair...

Then you have a CIA where Gina Haspel signs an order to change CIA /NSC 'whistleblower" rules, that for the very first time suddenly allowed a whisleblower to accuse he President, altered JUST ONE MONTH BEFORE such a mysterious whistleblower report was filed against Trump. And very oddly, no one seems to know who put the alteration paper that allowed it on Gina Haspel's desk.
And partisan sheep like Iggy and M E M ask no questions because.... Hate Trump. Get Trump, any way possible, and screw the Constituttion, NO PROBLEM.

The clearly fake January 6th narrative, with at least 70 Antifa, DC Metro, DHS and FBI undercover agents DISGUISED AS Trump supporters in the crowd that day, that Jill Sanborn and Christopher Wray in testimony "CANNOT SAY" were not the actual instigators or perpetrators of the violence that occurred on Jan 6th, TO FRAME Trump and his supporters.

And now 4 simultaneous indictments of Trump on bogus charges, in four different parts of the country, by rabidly anti-Trump Democrat prosecutors, prosecutors who jury-shopped when to drop the indicttments, to have them assigned to rabidly Anti-Trump judges, and get the cases in venue districts where jury pools and grand juries are upwards of 90% rabidly anti-Trump as well.

And none of this registers to you as the slightest bit unusual, unconstitutional and unfair.

But yeah, sure, I'm the wack job, Iggy, NOT YOU, right? rolleyes
Any sane person looking at these facts sees them very differently than you and M E M do.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.