This e-mail went out on Monday night:


We're very happy to announce the arrival of our little girl, Imogen
Solbritt Stewart, born 2.805 kg and 46 cm in length at 12.57pm Hong Kong
time today.

"Imogen" comes from Shakespeare's play Cymbelline, and is derived from the
word "imagination". "Imi" (the shortened version) incidentally means
"meaning" in Japanese, which is very appropriate as she has brought much
meaning to our lives. "Solbritt" is both her mum's and her grandmother's
names, and is Swedish for "sun-bright".

Imie is extremely cute, with blonde hair, a button nose, fair skin and
blue-ish eyes. She very much enjoys cuddles and seems to like the "The
Teddy Bears' Picnic" song, even when sung off-key by her dad.

Maria is full of smiles and glowing with health, and is as beautiful as
her daughter. She did a wonderful job today.

David is very happy.

Both Imie and her mum are staying at Matilda International Hospital until
this Saturday. Those of you in Hong Kong are very welcome to visit.

Anyone wants to help me change pooey nappies, let me know.