Here's the deal:

I'll pick a character at random from the world of comic books. Your job is to reinvent that character.

Completely redetail the character from origins to powers to villains to costume (include sketches if you'd like). Change and improve anything and everything from the original design, but with full knowledge that you'd still like to appeal to the original audience (i.e; be careful not to change too much)

Upgrade, update, enhance, depower, redesign! whatever you want to do -- its your version!

Today's character: The Ray

Real Name: Ray Terrill
Age: 18
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 155lbs
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Super Powers: body transformation.. light form.. and flight,energy bursts (force bolts if i'm not mistaken)
Special Abilities: none when non-powered up
First Appearance: The Ray: In a Blaze of Glory #1, February 1992.

Origin: the son of the ww2 RAY, Ray Terrill was told at a young age that he was allergic to sunlight, and was raised by nuns. Ray lived inside his house with the windows boarded up until his 18th birthday when he accidentally was exposed to the sunlight. Fearing he would die due to the exposure to sunlight Ray panicked, and his powers were activated. His cousin Hank and Ray's girlfriend Jenny are both aware of his powers and super heroic identity. At times early in his career, Ray had "visions" of his father, the original Ray, that guided him and irritated him as well. Soon Ray discovered that this was NOT his father at all, but rather a twisted version of his father that had become his nemesis. The Ray defeated him, and shortly afterwards joined the JLA. The Ray has had run ins with villains like Dr. Polaris in his solo career, and many more during his tenure as a member of the JLA.

The Ray is an 18 year old who, at first, was unsure of his abilities and what to do. Being lied to for the first 18 years of his life, Ray was confused and no idea how to use his powers correctly. He is in love with his long time sweetheart Jenny, and often (scarily enough) looked to his cousin Hank for help and guidance. The Ray's control over his powers has improved greatly and he has formed a "bond" of sorts with fellow JLA'er Black Canary... which may or may not be romantic.