Which characters do you guys think have been jobbed the worst? Here's my top five:

1.Hal Jordan (Emerald Twilight. 'Nuff said)

2.Captain Atom (here's a guy who's quantum powered, has a military background, and was the number one guy for Charlton Comics, but he still gets treated like a joke. [no no no] He needs a writer with at least some knowledge of "quantum mechanics" (I wouldn't expect Captain Atom to know too much either considering he's an Air Force captain) Captain Atom is easily one of the most powerful heroes in the DCU!

3.Katar Hol & Shayera Thal I really liked Hawkworld in the beginning but they screwed it all up. Now Katar is in semi-death limbo and we really see Hawkwoman either (even though she's on the cartoon! [izzat so?] ) They should split it up for all the Hawk fans, 'cause if they can have more than one Bat book, they can have more than one Hawk book)

4.John Stewart "Mosaic" was a very intelligent read and I enjoyed that title very much (especially in the beginning) I hate the fact that it's being ignored. I hate the fact he gets treated like a novice in JLA. I also hate the fact that they skipped over him for Kyle Rayner. DC gets one middle finger up from me on this one.

5.Darkseid He should never have gotten beat up by "Supergod". And the fact that they made him beg at the end made me sick. That's two middle fingers for DC.

Those are mine. What are yours?