All right, then. Happy New Year, everyone. I am back in the fold after an extended leave of absense from the computer. I decided to give myself an Xmas present this year and avoid anything like technology for a good week and a half. DVDs, CDs, electricity, television, heat, hot water, indoor plumbing, and video games don't count. But I am back online now.

The new year. A time for reflection. In looking ahead, I have no idea what is in store for Northwood Saga. An online tarot oracle gave little in the way of concrete advice when I posed the question, yet the overall flavor of the reading was vaguely pessimistic. Take this as you will. I will press forward nevertheless.

Time to fire off a couple follow-up emails to various individuals in the comic industry.

Not much else to report. In the meantime, I suggest that this thread break into individual discussion groups.