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Do you trust the U.S. government? Do you trust the US military? Do you think we're God's gift to the earth? Or the 'evil empire' out to screw everyone?

A lot of discussions here span from this question, but never really touch on the basic questions. Do you think we went to Iraq to do good for humanity, or turn a profit?

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Mother do you think they'll drop the bomb?

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you don't think other topics in here have touched on this before? ... any of them??

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I actually think we have beaten this topic to death in many threads....

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I used a splintery board with a rusted nail!

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reminds me of my honeymoon!

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I, for one, have no trust whatsoever in our "great" Divided Estates of Embarassment...because they lied to me throughout my childhood in the 1980s. I thought Rambo was gonna save us all.

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The problem with the question itself I think is, i think, that if you say that you think our Government does some pretty unscruplous things then you're instantly branded un-American in some circles. As if we don't think our government EVER did anything right, which of course we do.

I think that most Americans like to think we're pretty good people as a whole and would rather ignore or not know about some of the shadier aspects of our government, just so long as our way of life continues undisturbed. If you happen to bring up the history of interference by the CIA and the corporate world to third world Governments who don't happen to share "our interests" (United Fruit Company/Guatemala for example), then you're "blaming America". There's always a good cliche to bandy around to shut people up.

Then if people outside America happen to hate us, we, in our materialistic mindset, can just think that they happen to be 'jealous' of us.

So then it becomes a ridiculously simplistic issue of you either "loving" America or "hating" it. There was a great quote I read recently that summed it all up:

They love America the way a four year old loves their mommy. [We] love America like grown-up's. To a four year old, everything mommy does is wonderful and anyone who criticizes mommy is bad. Grown-up love means actually understanding what you love, taking the good with the bad, and helping your loved one grow.
Dwight D. Eisenhower - "Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels -- men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, we may never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."

Justice Robert H. Jackson "Freedom to differ is not limited to things that do not matter much. That would be a mere shadow of freedom. The test of its substance is the right to differ as to things that touch the heart of the existing order."

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I've never really trusted politicians period, regardles of nationality or political party. I see politicians as opprtunists who tell people what they want to hear, or give them someone to blame, and are either unable or unwilling to follow up on it. This is one bias or stereotype I readily admit to, and I'm not ashamed of it. Which is sad, because after all the phonies out there, it makes me unwilling to put my trust behind someone who might actually be a decent person.

As for the military, I have a lot of respect for our armed forces. They have a tough job to do, and often go unappreciated. It's the politicians who direct them that I don't trust, for reasons stated above. I do get annoyed with people who feel that not wanting our troops to be in danger out of concern for their welfare constitutes cowardice and treason. And there have been people who have said this (not here, though - at least not that I recall).

As for whether or not America is an "evil empire" or out to redeem the world, I don't think we're either. We're a nation like any other. We have much to be proud of, and much to be ashamed of, and it's important to remember both. But I have to say, having travelled to 16 different countries in my brief time, I will say that Americans have much to be grateful for.

As for the Iraq question...again, my answer comes from a lack of faith in politicians in general - it was a necessary step, but I can't trust the motivations of the politicans who advocated the war.

(And the people who criticize the UN for trying to avoid war need to realize that one of the main reasons for the UN's existence is to try and prevent war.)

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What he said.

Politicians say what they have to to get elected. That means disagreeing with the current administration irrespective of their real beliefs and intentions.

However, there isn't really a better system that I can see, so what do you do?

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...when presidentialmania comes runnin...

Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts:
I actually think we have beaten this topic to death in many threads....

i thought we discussed it in every thread! even boobies pics are often discarded as too right wing now, while ass and thong shots are mere pawns of the left [no no no]

Originally posted by whomod:
The problem with the question itself I think is, i think, that if you say that you think our Government does some pretty unscruplous things then you're instantly branded un-American in some circles.

just as often as being branded as blind if you think our gubernment does some good things.

Originally posted by Darknight613:
I've never really trusted politicians period, regardles of nationality or political party. I see politicians as opprtunists who tell people what they want to hear, or give them someone to blame, and are either unable or unwilling to follow up on it.

and how!

in my childhood naivi... naivete... ... nigh-eve-uh-tay (sa da tay!), i used t'think that the best candidate for president would just be a normal guy. some no beauracracy, helps poor people, does the right thing kinda guy -- like the movie "dave!"

someone as far from politics as possible.

and still, that often times doesn't sound like sucha bad idea.

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I think the US invaded Iraq to serve thier own self intrest and for that I say YEA!

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I'll post this as an example of how oblivious most people are to the problems caused in the third world for the sake of our convenience. This column is referencing a 3 part series that documented how Wal-Mart demands and demands lower prices for products lest they send their buisness over to China or somewhere where I presume slave labor will do it for less. So the sweatshops of Honduras have to depress wages, cut payrolls and demand more hours, more quotas and the same pay so you can have cheap clothing.

Never mind the economic damage done at home by Wal-Mart making Medicare forms and food stamps a part of employee oreinatition in the place of what should be health coverage and a living wage. But if my experience is any indication, people JUST-DON'T CARE. All that matters is cheaper prices. Regardless if manufacturing jobs are dissapearing rapidly, regardless if health costs go higher and higher, regardless if Wal-Mart is creating sweatshop conditions in their demand for greater profit margins.

The Real Cost of That $8.63 Polo Shirt

I don't know about you, but when I read the three-part series on how Wal-Mart does business in the U.S. and around the world, one figure in particular jumped out at me.

It was in a section about how manufacturing and other jobs have been driven out of the United States as the discount chain chases cheap labor and supplies to the ends of the earth so it can provide shoppers absolute rock-bottom prices.

A mother named Isabel Reyes works 10 hours a day in a Honduras sweatshop, stitching fabric to make polo shirts.

And the price to us, back here in the good ol' U.S. of A., is $8.63.

Did I read that correctly — $8.63?

Is that the best Wal-Mart can do?

Now wait a minute. Because of the way Wal-Mart does business in America and beyond:

A. Your Uncle Ed's factory went under and he's on the dole,

B. A couple dozen merchants got rocked by the ripple effect,

C. A nail was driven into the coffin that used to be a quaint downtown,

D. That Honduran mom made $7 for 10 hours of toil,

E. A Chinese company is probably plotting to underbid the Hondurans,

F. Wal-Mart execs padded their mega-million-dollar portfolios,

G. And our taxes are going up because Wal-Mart employees who can't afford health insurance are dragging themselves into the county emergency room.

If that's the cost to you and me and everyone else, that polo shirt ought to be $5.99 and not a penny more, or we're being seriously ripped off.

I went back and checked the section on Isabel Reyes to see if there's a way Wal-Mart can squeeze a little more production out of her, and sure enough, that laggard isn't pulling her weight.

She sews sleeves onto roughly 1,200 shirts a day, and although her bosses keep cracking the whip, she wonders why there's no extra pay for additional work.

Ten hours is 10 hours, Isabel. You're lucky to have a job at all.


I'll admit that others see it differently.

"The unfortunate reality is that [some] corporations are preying on the desperate poverty of working people in other parts of the world, undermining worker rights, polluting the environment, and violating human rights based on the fact that they can get away with it," says UCLA labor researcher Kent Wong

What does he know?

I say we're in deep, and there's no turning back. We don't need to slow down the Wal-Martization of the world, we need to speed it up.

Take the 70,000 grocery workers walking picket lines in Southern California, trying to hold onto wage-and-benefit packages that pay $10 more per hour than Wal-Mart.

Who needs those annoying pickets, and who needs Ralphs and Vons and Albertsons when we've got Wal-Mart?

They can all go under and nobody will miss them because Wal-Mart is charging into California with 40 Supercenters. A Supercenter, by the way, is the usual galactic Wal-Mart enormity, along with an equally colossal grocery section.

If we all shop there, Wal-Mart will be able to buy in even higher volume, and we'll all pay less.

Would you believe $1.19 for Kellogg's Frosted Flakes?

Actually, I'd go for something a little healthier, because the one thing we all want to be lower than food prices is taxes. As a result, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is proposing cuts in medical care, cuts for the disabled, foster children and the poor.

On the up side, a can of soup could be as low as 28 cents.

"Among all the industrial countries of the world, the U.S. has by far the largest gap between rich and poor," says UCLA's Wong, who just won't stop yammering about how the rich get richer and the bottom is dropping out of the middle class.

Meanwhile, Los Angeles City Councilman Eric Garcetti is trying to set up roadblocks for when Sam Walton's boys ride into town to scout locations.

Garcetti co-authored a proposed ordinance that aims to dictate location, grill Wal-Mart on its wage-and-benefits package and require an economic impact report.

Forget that. I'd like to know why a pair of pants has to be more than $7.

"I grew up in the Valley and remember talking with folks who said the GM in Van Nuys had the effect on local neighborhoods of lifting up wages for everybody," Garcetti said. "A super Wal-Mart has the opposite effect. It drags down wages for everybody."

Who cares about wages? Our problem is high prices, not low wages.

Back to Honduras, our friend Isabel Reyes said she can barely hold a pot handle or lift her child when she gets home from the factory after sewing all those polo shirts. Maybe if you popped a few more of those anti-inflammatory drugs, you'd pull yourself together, Isabel.

You think we got it easy here in the U.S., circling, circling, circling for a parking space so we can run in there and buy the polo shirt that keeps you in high cotton?

Like the boss says, faster, faster, faster, because we need cheaper, cheaper, cheaper.

As it is, that polo shirt is costing us a fortune.

An extention of the public apathy I'm describing is U.S. support for brutal dictatorships just so long as they maintained stability in order for prices of goods to remain low. No one here really cared about anyone elses sufferings under dictatorships just so long as prices remained affordable. And if democracy somehow took root, well, the CIA would be there to undermine the election and the will of the people in order to preserve "our interests".

But then when people dislike America, we can say that they're just jealous of us.

I say we're better than this. And if we're not, then we should strive to be.

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does the right thing kinda guy -- like the movie "dave!"


Well, if someone is going to have the world's largest nuclear arsenal, I'd rather it be you guys than those damn Chileans. Or even worse, Australians.

There is some truth in that crack. Ollie North breaks the law, and there is a national scandal and he goes to gaol. If that happened in most countries, no one in government would bat an eyelid.

Hoorah for transparent democracies. America fucks up just like the rest of us, but its good that the dirty laundry gets aired.

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plus we are the largest producers of pornography in the world!

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Finally an issue we can all get behind.

So to speak.

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Originally posted by Dave:
Well, if someone is going to have the world's largest nuclear arsenal, I'd rather it be you guys than those damn Chileans. Or even worse, Australians.

Or JQ.

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Remember Sept 11th.


The point i've been trying to get across is that while The United States Government is a great country, sometimes it's government(s) do some pretty rotten self-serving things in the name of it's own interests. Such as the CIA/United Fruit Companies overthrow of the democratically elected Guatemalan Government in 1954 and the CIA backed coup of 9/11/73 in Chile. For some inexplicable reason, some of you choose to pretend some historical facts never happened or if they did, don't care one way or another about them. Then if they're brought up, it's because someone "hates America". If other nations and people distrust or "hate" America, then it's because they're jealous or because they're propagandized.

It's never because perhaps we may have deserved some measure of suspicion or distrust.

I think it's important to know FACTS and HISTORY so that we can collectively ensure that we become better than that and never let some Administrations/Governments have their way with other nations for their own self-serving desires. Again, it's the quote about loving your country like an adult and not like a child where we can do no wrong and whoever says differenly is "bad".

If you can never se your own faults, how the hell then do you ever grow as a person??

The Pinochet File

A Declassified Dossier on Atrocity and Accountability

Edited by Peter Kornbluh

The New Press: 552 pp., $29.95

Exactly 30 years ago, on that other Tuesday, Sept. 11, as Chilean Air Force jets bombed the government palace where I worked as a young translator to elected socialist President Salvador Allende, as Chilean troops trampled a century of democratic rule (and the dark night of a dictatorship that would last 17 years descended), we understood that the U.S. played some role in the coup.

A year before, Jack Anderson made public some of the anti-Allende machinations concocted by the Nixon administration in cahoots with the ITT corporation. In the ensuing years, kick-started by the 1976 Senate Church Committee investigations, much more about American covert action has come to light in dribs and drabs.

Now, thanks to Peter Kornbluh, we have the first complete, almost day-to-day and fully documented record of this sordid chapter in Cold War American history. Much in the way Stephen Kinzer's "Bitter Fruit" fully chronicled the CIA intromission into Guatemala, "The Pinochet File" should be considered the long-awaited book of record on U.S. intervention in Chile. Here is a veritable catalog of all the smoking guns used by Washington to obliterate Chilean democracy. But anyone hoping to find documentary evidence only of an arrogant imperial power blithely manipulating its pliant Latin American ally for its geopolitical gain is in for some surprises.

As a senior researcher at the nonprofit National Security Archives, Kornbluh was instrumental in securing almost 25,000 new Chile-related documents released after the 1998 London arrest of former dictator Augusto Pinochet. Kornbluh has done much more than assemble a clump of dense photocopied files full of bureaucratese. Instead, he's written a crisp, compelling narrative, almost a political thriller, wisely including scores of government documents as only secondary documentation. "The Pinochet File" reads as the definitive and damning indictment of Pinochet and his regime as well as his enablers, protectors and apologists in Washington. It's also a cautionary tale of the consequences incurred when a great power squanders its prestige and principles in defense of dictators and despots.

And if some of you can't fathom my stance on Iraq, perhaps it's the fact that what usually accompanies U.S./CIA/corporate lies and manipulation of foreign governments (historically) is right wing administrations being in command of our government at the time.

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Great post, Whomod!

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Originally posted by Dave:
There is some truth in that crack. Ollie North breaks the law, and there is a national scandal and he goes to gaol. If that happened in most countries, no one in government would bat an eyelid.

Hoorah for transparent democracies. America fucks up just like the rest of us, but its good that the dirty laundry gets aired.

Relatively transparent, maybe, but not transparent. Ollie North is a good example. He was the scapegoat of Iran Contra. He wasn't innocent, but he wasn't a lone nut, either. Either President Reagan knew about the policy and did nothing, or he wasn't really in control of his administration. It's been, what, 20 years, and we still have unanswered questions about Iran Contra. Our journalists do not ask them.

The dirtiest laundry does not get aired. Or it gets aired and ignored. Our current president, for instance, was AWOL during wartime for a period of no less than one year. This doesn't get talked about on the nightly news. This doesn't get talked about anywhere. Mention it, and it gets ignored. Watch it happen on this thread.

The issue of media ownership. A law was passed recently to deregulate corporate control of media in the U.S., basically allowing one entity to own all the media outlets -- radio, TV, and newspapers --in any given locality. And it happened behind our backs. There was no public debate. Not surprisingly, there was no coverage in the mainstream media on the run-up to the vote, which happened behind closed doors at the FCC. And now it's the law of the land.

The current administration is also trying to kill an independent investigation into September 11. Many unanswered questions there, too. The feeling one gets is that one should be satisfied with the answers provided by the official sources, contradictary and conflicting as they are.

The justification for the war in Iraq was not the unquestionably despotic rule of Saddam but specifically his arsenal of weapons of mass destruction, an arsenal which does not exist. Either the entire corpus of intelligence gathered by U.S. sources was gravely wrong on many counts, or the evidence was misrepresented to the people. We can't get a straight answer out of the government about this one, either. Why would one even want to ask such questions, is the prevailing attitude over here. We're all so much safer now. Who cares about the minutae about who said exactly what and when? It's not important. It's too theoretical for practical-minded Americans. As long as the TV brings us our lifestyle comedies every evening, don't bother us.

Realizing of course that any bureaucracy will by neccesity muddy the waters, the current levels of transparency are not what one would desire from the country with the largest nuclear arnseal in the world.

How's your Mandarin, Dave? One day China will realize it owns everything already.

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...and with one fell swoop, he passed through the irreversible door from moderator to opinionator... and became one of us...

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I thought i'd post this song to show that what all of us youngsters may think of as being new, is actually quite old. In fact i'd say that we're much closer to Nixon's day right now than we were even 4 years ago. And although I know some of you may warm up to the song (if taken literally), this is classic irony.


Political Science - Randy Newman

No one likes us-I don't know why
We may not be perfect, but heaven knows we try
But all around, even our old friends put us down
Let's drop the big one and see what happens

We give them money-but are they grateful?
No, they're spiteful and they're hateful
They don't respect us-so let's surprise them
We'll drop the big one and pulverize them

Asia's crowded and Europe's too old
Africa is far too hot
And Canada's too cold
And South America stole our name
Let's drop the big one
There'll be no one left to blame us

We'll save Australia
Don't wanna hurt no kangaroo
We'll build an All American amusement park there
They got surfin', too

Boom goes London and boom Paree
More room for you and more room for me
And every city the whole world round
Will just be another American town
Oh, how peaceful it will be
We'll set everybody free
You'll wear a Japanese kimono
And there'll be Italian shoes for me

They all hate us anyhow
So let's drop the big one now
Let's drop the big one now

Amazing how topical it is to the world TODAY! The d@mn song could just as well have been written last week and not over 30 years ago (1972).

Last edited by whomod; 2004-01-04 8:59 AM.
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How's your Mandarin, Dave? One day China will realize it owns everything already.

Until they invade Siberia and secure a strategic oil reserve, China is not in the race.

Pimping my site, again.

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March 17, 2004

U.S. Seen Unfavorably, Poll Shows

Mistrust of America and other negative feelings have grown stronger nearly a year after the Iraq war began, a survey in nine countries says.

By Sonni Efron, Times Staff Writer

WASHINGTON — A year after the start of the Iraq war, mistrust of the United States abroad has intensified, and the ill will toward America has begun to erode support for the U.S.-led war on terrorism, according to a global attitude survey released Tuesday.

The ongoing study of public opinion in nine countries was conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press in February and March — before last week's bombings in Madrid and the subsequent electoral defeat of the Spanish government, which had contributed troops to the Iraq war. Spain was not included in the survey.

The study illuminates the widening gulf between the American public's beliefs and those of key U.S. allies — a divide thrust into the public eye Sunday with the surprise defeat of one of the Bush administration's staunchest allies on Iraq and the war on terrorism, Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar.

Although most Americans believe that the war to oust Iraqi President Saddam Hussein helped in the global fight against terrorism, majorities in Germany, France and Turkey, and half of those surveyed in Britain and Russia, think the U.S.-led invasion undermined the struggle against terrorism.

Large majorities in Russia, France, Germany, Morocco, Turkey, Pakistan — and 58% in Britain and 50% in Jordan — said that the war had diminished their trust in the United States. But 58% of Americans thought the opposite.

Most of those polled in Germany, France, Russia, Turkey, Pakistan and Jordan — and 48% of Moroccans — said they believed that American and British leaders lied when they claimed Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Majorities in six countries and 48% in Russia said that the United States is not sincere in its motives for the war on terrorism. Only Americans say that they have more confidence than before the war that the United States wants to promote democracy around the world.

"It is disturbing that Americans are the only ones surveyed who believe the war in Iraq helped, rather than hurt, in fighting Al Qaeda," said Madeleine Albright, who served as secretary of State under President Clinton. "It is also troubling that the Iraqi conflict has caused each of the other countries polled to lose confidence in America's honesty and commitment to democracy."

The Pew poll has been carefully studied in the past by the Bush administration and various government and private commissions grappling with America's declining standing abroad and growing anti-American sentiment in much of the Islamic world.

An alarmed State Department also has commissioned its own polls, which have found similar trends to those cited by Pew, according to officials who have seen the data.

U.S. officials had argued that although the plummeting popularity of the United States caused deep concern, it had probably reached its low point during the last Pew survey last May, shortly after the end of major combat in Iraq, and they expected that it would rebound.

The new poll did show some bright spots for the Bush administration, such as less apparent hostility in some nations with Islamic majorities. For example, the percentage expressing a very unfavorable view of the United States dropped in Turkey from 68% in May to 45% in this survey; in Pakistan from 71% to 50%; in Jordan from 83% to 67%; and in Morocco from 53% to 46%.

But large majorities still view the U.S. unfavorably. And although America and Europe share an archenemy in Osama bin Laden, President Bush was rated even less favorably than Bin Laden in Jordan, Morocco and Pakistan — a key ally in the U.S. war on terrorism and the hunt for the Al Qaeda leader.

Moreover, nearly half of Pakistanis, as well as 70% of Jordanians and 66% of Moroccans, said suicide attacks against Americans in Iraq were justified. Even 31% of Turks surveyed agreed.

The survey found a significant erosion of U.S. standing in Britain, a development that, together with the Spanish election results, could prove threatening to Bush's most important ally, British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Only 43% of Britons surveyed in the latest poll believe that Blair made the right decision in using force against Iraq, down from 61% in May.

Support for the war among Americans fell from 74% to 60% in the same period.

Although European leaders have stressed their desire to improve ties with the United States — and argued that success in rebuilding and democratizing Iraq is in every nation's interest — transatlantic tensions in public opinion are unabated. Growing majorities in Britain, France and Germany want the European Union to be as powerful as the United States and want their foreign policy and security arrangements to be independent from Washington, the survey found.

"It's a fact, whether we like it or not, that there's a huge problem with the credibility of America in Europe and beyond," a senior European diplomat said.

The problem is due not simply to the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the diplomat said, but also to what he called the "Guantanamo element" — the view, especially among European youth, that the United States is not the defender of freedom, civil liberties and other ideals that it purports to be. The U.S. has been holding hundreds of terrorism suspects, including European citizens, at its base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, without formal charges or access to lawyers. — some for more than two years.

Last edited by whomod; 2004-03-18 6:56 AM.
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It's funny. All the liberals voting "nay" on the U.S. Government are typically the ones advocating its expansion.

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I'd imagine most of them are against the US government's expansion into the middle east: have you not been paying attention?
Still, while we're making cheap digs of this nature: isn't it hysterical how all the fundamentalist christian conservatives are dead against abortion but in favour of the death penalty?

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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm?
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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm?
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the G-man said:
It's funny. All the liberals voting "nay" on the U.S. Government are typically the ones advocating its expansion.

Y'know G-man, your ilks cliches and mischaractrizations have served you guys so well time and again, I say "stick with them".

Bush becomes 'big government conservative'



And yet you still get all bent out of shape and call people "hate filled" when they call you guys for the liars you are.


by the way, if you stop to actually READ THE ARTICLE, you might notice that American "liberals" wearn't the ones being polled.

Last edited by whomod; 2004-03-18 8:14 PM.
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whomod said:



You assume I agree with everything that President Bush has done in regards to growing the government. However, I'm not so "hate filled" as to need to call him a "thief," "liar," "Nazi" or "murderer" to be unhappy about that. I simply disagree with him.


by the way, if you stop to actually READ THE ARTICLE, you might notice that American "liberals" wearn't the ones being polled.

Actually that comment wasn't directed at the people being polled. It was directed at people such as yourself who post such things to support your claims of a corrupt government, all the while advocating for its expansion...or working for it.

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well to put it quite simple

i don't trust the government. their just out to screw everyone else out of their money and good and services

I partially trust the military just because they could like kill me. It seemed better before clinton cut it back.

the US is just out to screw everyone else over. just evil money hungry fat senators and other politicians.

and well the war. its all just to make daddy happy.

And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack.
2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points

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Inglourious Basterd!!!
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Inglourious Basterd!!!
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Joined: May 2003
Posts: 28,009 ARE wise beyond your years, aren't you?

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock

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golly must suck alot of dick....yes you do

And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack.
2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points

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Inglourious Basterd!!!
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Inglourious Basterd!!!
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AGH! Cut me to the quick, you did, you did.

Yes, S.B., I suck a lotta dick. A HO-lotta dick. Yeppers. Y'got me.

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock

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well good

i'm glad for you. but remember you don't put your KY jelly on toast

And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack.
2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points

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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm?
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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm?
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the G-man said:

Actually that comment wasn't directed at the people being polled. It was directed at people such as yourself who post such things to support your claims of a corrupt government, all the while advocating for its expansion...or working for it.

Actually I'm not working towards bigger government. Bush and Tom Ridge have that part down cold already. I'm just working against the fucker who lied, insulted, and bullied his way towards America's newfound disdain among OUR F**ING ALLIES!

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Officially "too old for this shit"
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whomod said:
America's newfound disdain among OUR F**ING ALLIES!

Why do you assume that our allies are always correct and we are always wrong?

Our "allies" have their own, several hundred year, histories of racism, colonialism and corruption. Most recently, it was revealed that a number of our "allies" were taking bribes of Iraqi oil and/or money.

This is not to say our "allies" are always wrong. However, that hardly means we should, as you seem to advocate, automatically assume the merits, or lack thereof, of a particular policy based on little more than foreign opinion of it.

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The conscience of the rkmbs!
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I'm sorry, I never jinx a guy by saying he makes a good post, but that last post was just too damn good. Bravo!

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