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TTT your words are eloquent and TIMELY as ever.

to know the full story hit me up at

[ 09-14-2001: Message edited by: Franta ]

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When I first heard about it, I had just woken up. The first thing I do when I wake up is turn on the radio, while I'm still in bed. The radio news came on and said something about the World Trade Center having been attacked with planes. I thought "Shit... the World Trade Center... that's them big buildings in New York... that's pretty fuckin' big."

Then I went downstairs, and noticed that on TV all the news stations, both international (we get CNN and BBC) and Australian were playing footage. Only then did I realise how big it was. I started to get a sick feeling then.

At school, the television in the student lounge was turned on and my class was gathered to watch the news. There was a weird silence over everyone.

For the last three days I've had the sick feeling that were seeing the start of something very big and very bad.

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I was struck, after the fact, seeing what a global crisis this was on September 11th.

In Canada, it closed the U.S./Canadian border, and all of Canada's airports and national monuments as well.

In Germany, the German government scrambled to provide adequate protection for American embassies, schools, and other areas frequented by Americans.

For those of you from outside the U.S. who are unfamiliar with the areas the terrorism took place, try the link to the local Fort Lauderdale, Florida newspaper website below.

Especially interesting is the explanation of the structural weak points of the buildings, as explained by skyscraper architects and engineers.

There are also very readable maps of chronological flight paths, of the hijacked planes, and animated simulations of the Trade Center towers and Pentagon crashes, that helped clarify for me what happened.

The Pentagon is located directly across the Potomac river from Washington, D.C.

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At the time I had a job where I came in late in the day (around noon or so). So I was a late sleeper. My mom called and woke me up. She told me a plane crashed into one of the WTC buildings. It was still early in the event and no one really knew what was going on. Most thought it was an accident.

I got up, went into the living room, and turned on the TV. It was really weird to see the burning building. Then, the second plane crashed while I was watching. I couldn't speak. It shocked the hell out of me. I sat and watch for a couple of more hours before I went to work (listening to the radio on the way).

Everyone at work was watching the news. Everything was pretty much ground to a halt. I think a friend of mine put the feeling of it best when he said, "Watching all that happen was like reading a history book without knowing the ending." You know that what you're seeing is major and will change everything, but you don't have the convinience of knowing that it'll all turn out okay like you would reading about Pearl Harbor or D-Day. It's kinda scary.

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Rob, I thought your post to another topic was a good post-script to this topic:

Rob Kamphausen, posted 12-14-2002 04:38 PM;f=27;t=000543
By SARA KUGLER, Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK - The tally of people lost in the Sept. 11 attacks has dropped, with three people reported missing in the World Trade Center being confirmed as alive, city officials said.

Police Inspector Jeremiah Quinlan, who heads the massive missing persons effort, said Friday that investigators have spoken with the three people.

The discovery reduces the city's official count of people killed or reported missing in the terrorist attack to 2,792.

Ellen Borakove, a spokeswoman for the city medical examiner, identified the three as Jeffrey Montgomery, of St. Joseph, Mo.; William Yemele, of Gaithersburg, Md.; and Oliva Khemrat, of Jersey City, N.J.

But Khemrat's mother insists her daughter is still missing and said she was not informed of the change to the list. "They can't just take my child's name off without telling the family," Meena Bhiro said.

She said her daughter's correct full name is Olivia Bhowanie Devi Khemraj and she was last seen leaving for a job interview at the trade center Sept. 11.

Police found Khemraj in late September this year and have encouraged her to call her mother, Lt. Kenneth Ling said Friday. He said police also left messages with Bhiro.

"We understand that the relationship is strained and that they are not speaking with each other," Ling said.

Bhiro did not return a call Friday seeking further comment.

Details on the other two people were not released.

The list of missing still could change as further errors are uncovered, Borakove said.

The three names plus six other mistaken cases were included among the 2,801 victims' names read at a Sept. 11, 2002, anniversary ceremony, and some are memorialized on a temporary fence at the trade center site.

Of the 2,792 people believed lost in the attack, 1,439 have been identified — just nine in the last month, Borakove said. She said the identification process has not slowed as dramatically as the numbers seem to indicate, but rather that recent identifications matched victims already confirmed dead.

The toll does not include the 10 hijackers who died at the trade center.


The numbers now seem so exaggerated, but they could have just as easily been in the 10,000 to 20,000 category on 9/11, if the planes had impacted another hour or two into the work day on September 11, 2001, when the majority would have arrived at work.

I also have a friend from Bangladesh who said he had Bangladeshi friends who died in the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001. He emphasized that they were muslims, and quite a number of muslims, working in the WTC as messengers and other clerical jobs.

I frankly don't generally have a high opinion of muslims at this point in time. But this gives evidence to the fact that not all muslims agree with what occurred on 9/11/2001.

Although, as I pointed out elsewhere, an article in the Washington Post pointed out that 30 to 50 percent of most Muslim countries are curently boycotting American goods and businesses. Despite the appeals to muslim populations by their own leaders that this will not affect the U.S., but just damage their own economies. Which is a clear endorsement 9/11/2001 terrorism.

Many muslims condemn 9/11 and Al Qaida. But clearly, many also feel hatred toward the U.S., and endorse attacks on the U.S.

I don't want to alienate the muslims who are compassionate to the U.S.
I read in TIME, in an article on Wahabism in Saudi Arabia (August 5, 2002 issue), that about 50% of the Saudi population despise the Wahabi clerics and their stranglehold repression of Saudi culture. So clearly, even in the heart of Islam, there are those who oppose Muslim extremism. Clearly, roughly 50% of Saudis hate us, while possibly another 50% would welcome western-style reforms and freedoms, and/or interaction with Europe and the U.S.

But I'm also very wary of any media coverage the likes of which we saw in the weeks after 9/11/2001, that put an excessively friendly face on Islam, when in fact many muslims endorsed the terrorism, began boycotts, and have Osama Bin Ladin screen-savers.

Again, I don't want to alienate the muslims who are compassionate to the U.S.

But I also don't want to pretend like a vast percentage of muslims are friendly toward the U.S., when they are so clearly enemies of the U.S.

I have especially great contempt for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, who cheered in the streets like they won the world cup on 9/11/2001, even as we have been negotiating for their independence from Israel.
Despite the greater good that peace between Israel and Palestine would bring about for all parties concerned, my gut says: "Let them fry."

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I heard from a friend that some bars in Shanghai had drinks on the house on 11 Sept.

You get intolerant insensitve people everywhere.

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On Tuesday, September 11, 2001, I had Just woke up to feed my cats. My boyfriend and I had been lying there spooning for a good two hours. I had gotten up to make us some western omelettes and biscuits. He came running into the kitchen, then in my arse, and told me to scurry into the living room to see the new. I was completely shock. I fell into his arms in tears. We did it right there on the couch and the eggs burnt.

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I had just returned from a music theory class and was getting my books out for psych class when my roomie ran in and turned on the TV. It was almost ten in the morning, and I had missed the breaking reports and the initial reactions, but it only took one look at the video clips to make me shudder. I had been worrying about a psych paper and a dorm party for days, but all of a sudden they just didn't matter. It was the first time in a long time I stopped to realize just how unimportant my concerns were in the whole grand scheme of things. I wasn't afraid or angry, oddly enough, but I was very confused as to just what all this meant.

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I had left for vacation in Florida Monday Sept. 10.....I partied that Monday night at a great strip club in Cocoa Beach till about 5am. I was asleep when it first began all hungover and still a little drunk when my Dad called me from NJ to tell me to put the TV on. We were on the phone together for about 10 minutes both of us in total disbelief. I knew right away who did this and I Thank God we had Bush in the White House at the time to do what had to be done. I will never ever forgive the people who did this........EVER. The gloves are off and I will never lose sleep over what happens to any of them. Angry can't even begin to describe how I feel about them. To all those that lost Friends and Loved Ones.....God Bless. [no no no]

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I was a block away from the WTC when it happened. I remember getting out of the subway took forever because people on the street had stopped in shock after the first plane hit. When I finally got up to the street there were literally hundreds of people looking up. I remember following their stares and not believing what I was seeing - the first tower had just been hit a minute before and people were jumping out, one after the other. Everyone on the ground watching was screaming and crying - I remember one guy saying, "It wasn't an accident, the plane was aiming for the tower," and I remember thinking, "People with their fucking conspiracy theories." I mean, at that moment it was inconcevable (sp?) to me (and almost everyone else) that people would deliberately fly a plane into the towers...

The crowd kept watching and within a few minutes there was a terrifying explosion - I remember thinking that a bomb had gone off - I was at an angle where we didn't see the plane enter, because it would have been coming out at us. The explosion came out at us though. Flaming debris was landing everywhere, people were slashed up by the windows in the surrounding buildings which had shattered from the sound of the impact and were bleeding everywhere, and the overwhelming heat that came down at us.... Jesus - I get teary remembering it all. People were running - it was a fucking stampede and at that moment the cops and the fire engines began to pull up. There were cops everywhere screaming, "Evacuate the area! Evacuate the area!"

A woman collapsed next to me, in the middle of Broadway and Fulton, and I held her and got her to lie down with her head in my lap. Two guys ran over to help and a young, blonde cop came over and began to weep saying she had a three month old daughter that she didn't know if she would ever see again. I hugged her, and by then more and more firefighter/cops/EMS and the media had shown up yelling at everyone to get the fuck out.

I ran to my office a 2 blocks away, but by then they had evacuated my building. One of my friends had seen the second plane crash into the tower and she was just weeping uncontrollably. I walked over to the Brooklyn Bridge - my family hadn't heard from me - I don't have a cell, but it wouldn't have mattered if I did, bc. power was out everywhere. The Bridge had wall to wall people - it was a mass exodus with thousands of people heading over to Brooklyn. I was about a third of the way over the bridge when we all heard it. It sounded as if lightning had just hit a foot away from you. You know how in movies when something major happens it's in slow motion? Well, that was what it was like. Thousands of people turning around and the first tower just coming down. And at that moment a plane flew overhead - at the time we didn't know it was the airforce, all everyone heard was another plane - and someone screamed, "They're coming for the bridge! They're coming for the bridge!" and I remember thinking, "Please G-d, don't let me die on this bridge." It's sounds silly now, but at that moment in time, I really thought that it could happen. It was another stampede - thousands of people ran all the way across the bridge and while running with everyone else I heard someone say that the Pentagon had been hit.

I finally got home and collapsed in my dad's arms - my mom and sister were there and we all hugged and kissed and that is finally cried.

My sister lost four friends who were working on the 101th floor of the first tower. The found the torsos of two of them - the other two were never found.

Wow. I can't believe I just wrote all that. Sad, but cathartic too.

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Hey Harley

Sorry you had to go through all that.....and sorry for your sister's loss. [no no no] Let's hope that no one ever forgets what happened. [sad]

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Hi Harley,

Did you by chance comfort any fat black men and by chance did they give you any phone numbers?

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Originally posted by Beardguy57:
[QBThat was brave of you to stop to comfort others during the attack. Brave, and quite compassionate.

...I hope I would have been as brave as you were on that tragic day. [/QB]

I agree, entirely.

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Thanks guys, but honestly, there were so many other average Janes and Joes helping each other that day on the street - I mean there were two guys who helped me get the lady to an ambulance and a preacher who then tried to calm her down. It was pandemonium and yet so many people stopped to help each other.

Cars stopped on the bridge to pick up total strangers and drive them across; people held each other; borrowed cell phones (that didn't work) and when people collapsed (as the woman behind me on the bridge did while hysterically screaming, "My brother is in the building!" when the tower began to collapse) people caught her and held her up.

As nightmarishly horrible as it was, it brought out some of the best of the people in this City. And I think that helping each other is something that everyone was inclined to do.

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I will never forget what happened......and most importantly I will never forgive. Let them all burn in Hell. God Bless The USA!

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I actually woke up that day thinking "today is gonna suck." I was supposed to take a huge Physics test that I really really REALLY didn't want to take. The professor was lousy, we had no idea what to study, and it was going to be a big chunk of the grade. The fact that it was the one year anniversary of my Semester At Sea voyage did nothing to cheer me up.

So in my first morning class, I'm barely able to concentrate because I'm worried about the stupid test. When it's over and I'm leaving the Communications building, I overhear a faculty member talkin on his cellphone, mentioning something about a tower. He's very agitated, and rather shocked, and I suddenly get a weird feeling. I go to the library and go to Refdesk, where the headlines fill me in on what's happened. And new headlines keep popping up as more and more is discussed. Needless to say, I'm in shock and disbelief.

I go back to trying to study for the test, but it's impossible. Word has spread, and the university sets up a TV in the library to fill us in. Eventually, they tell us that classes were canceleld for the day and until future notice. I remember feeling guilt more than anything else, like it's my fault for hoping for a way to get out of taking the test.

This was before I had my car, and I'm walking back to my off campus apartment, and another student who I've never met before calls me over, and she offers to give me a ride back to my apartment. We don't play the blame game. We just worry about what's going to happen next.

I don't remember too much of the day after that. I called my parents, and I spoke to my aunt on AIM (she and I have never gotten along, and I've never forgiven her for bad-mouthing my best friend to my mom, but she's still family.) Other than that, the rest of the day is a blur.

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I found out the same way Rob did. Was listening to Howard Stern at work (in Washington, DC) when he announced a plane hit the World Trade Center. At first I thought of the plane that hit the Empire State Building back in the 30's and thought it was something like that. Then after the second plane hit I thought there was something wrong with air traffic control. For some reason I didn't think terrorism. Then after the Pentagon was hit I knew it was an attack. So I kept listening to Howard's show until word started spreading around our office. Some of us went to a conference room to check out the coverage on TV. We could even see the smoke from the Pentagon from my manager's window. I stayed at work until around 1 or 2, when I chose to leave early to give blood, but the lines were too long and I didn't give until that Saturday.

At the time, and even now, I'm pretty desensitized to the whole thing. I don't have a problem seeing the coverage. I don't get sad over the victims. I even downloaded Howard's show from that day and listen to it now and then for nostalgia. I hope this doesn't bother anybody, but for some reason the terrorist attack doesn't affect me emotionally (I think we had to go to war over this, certainly). I was fortunate that I didn't know anyone that died in the attacks, and if that happened I'm sure I'd feel loss.

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I was on the U.S.S. George Washington. We were on our way back from a three-week underway when word got out. Within minutes (literally), every berthing, office, and work area on the ship had their TVs glued to CNN.

The GW changed course and headed to N.Y and we spent the next few days guarding the N.Y. border against any possible attack by the sea or air, plust lending support at ground zero. Also, any crew members who could be spared (including myself, briefly) were sent in to help with the attempts to find survivors and clean up.

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I was in my office.

When my secretary told that a plane had hit the WTC, my first reaction was "don't worry, it it was probably a light aircraft by accident, it's happened before and everyone was okay.

Obviously, as time went on, it quickly appeared that it wasn't going to be okay.

At some in the morning, I remembered that my ex-girlfriend had an office near the WTC. I sent her an email, asking her if she was all right.

I never got an answer.

At first I didn't worry too much since, as it came all too clear, people couldn't necessary access their email.

Also, my friend had married someone she had confided to me was abusive and she was thinking of leaving him. So I couldn't be sure that she hadn't. And I certainly couldn't call her house and ask her husband.

So I waited and wondered. I hoped for the best. But I couldn't escape this nagging feeling.

Six months later, our college magazine published a tribute to alumni who had died in September 11. There was her picture. Her wedding picture, in fact.

According to the story, that morning, my friend had left her office to attend a meeting in the WTC. She was never heard from again. She left behind several pets, a widowed father and her asshole of a husband. Who, of course, was portrayed as grieving spouse.

Maybe my friend never would have left her husband. But the terrorists took that chance away. They took away her future. Hers and thousands of other persons'. For no real reason other than they hated our country and our culture.

They took away her future.
They took away thousands of futures.
They'll take away more if we give them the chance.

Let's make sure we take away theirs first.

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I was in a hotel near Bryce Canyon. I was on holiday with my family, we'd crossed the water to the states for the first time and were wandering round the west. San Fran and round in a loop to LA. I was waiting for my Dad and my sister to get ready, we were going Horse riding in Red Canyon (my mother declined, hating horses) so I turned on the TV just as tower 2 collapsed. No one knew what was happening. It was horrific, even for someone who grew up in a country where a terrorist bomb going off was not an unusual occurance (I remember a my friends policeman father telling us that Southampton, my nearest city, was a currenttarget for the IRA). But the scale was like nothing before.

When we went to the lobby to get the bus to the horse riding, many of the American guests had gathered in the lobby, where soemone had set up a TV. They all had Tvs in their rooms, but I guess they just wanted to be around others.

The locals were strangely unaffected. Small town people who felt someone distant from the big city folks I suppose.

we got to LA on the Friday, early evening when the candles were all out. Red white and blue. I hate nationalism, but I was still impressed by the spirit.

LA X was chaos on the Monday. 1500 people delayed still waiting for a flight. Extra x-ray for all luggage as you queue. There was something of an atmosphere during the flight. Not the most pleasurable 11 hours of my life, but hey, we were alive.

By then my main thought was slight fear of the future. would the West learn anything about the effects of their foreign policy regarding the middle east, or would they just start bombing shit. I wouldn't say much was learnt, but the reaction was more restrained than I expected.

Afganistan doesn't really seem to have benefitted, the Northern Alliance will probably become the same sort of threat that BinLaden's organisation and the Taleban did after US intervention in the '80s. Iraq remains to be seen.

I just hope not too many more people have to die. Christian, Muslim, American, British, Iraqi,Afgan, French, German, Spanish, where ever.

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Originally posted by the G-man:
I was in my office.

When my secretary told that a plane had hit the WTC, my first reaction was "don't worry, it it was probably a light aircraft by accident, it's happened before and everyone was okay.

Obviously, as time went on, it quickly appeared that it wasn't going to be okay.

At some in the morning, I remembered that my ex-girlfriend had an office near the WTC. I sent her an email, asking her if she was all right.

I never got an answer.

At first I didn't worry too much since, as it came all too clear, people couldn't necessary access their email.

Also, my friend had married someone she had confided to me was abusive and she was thinking of leaving him. So I couldn't be sure that she hadn't. And I certainly couldn't call her house and ask her husband.

So I waited and wondered. I hoped for the best. But I couldn't escape this nagging feeling.

Six months later, our college magazine published a tribute to alumni who had died in September 11. There was her picture. Her wedding picture, in fact.

According to the story, that morning, my friend had left her office to attend a meeting in the WTC. She was never heard from again. She left behind several pets, a widowed father and her asshole of a husband. Who, of course, was portrayed as grieving spouse.

Maybe my friend never would have left her husband. But the terrorists took that chance away. They took away her future. Hers and thousands of other persons'. For no real reason other than they hated our country and our culture.

They took away her future.
They took away thousands of futures.
They'll take away more if we give them the chance.

Let's make sure we take away theirs first.

Amen Brother.........Amen.

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Originally posted by Wednesday:
I was on the U.S.S. George Washington. We were on our way back from a three-week underway when word got out. Within minutes (literally), every berthing, office, and work area on the ship had their TVs glued to CNN.

The GW changed course and headed to N.Y and we spent the next few days guarding the N.Y. border against any possible attack by the sea or air, plust lending support at ground zero. Also, any crew members who could be spared (including myself, briefly) were sent in to help with the attempts to find survivors and clean up.

Thank You for what you did that day........and for your 6 years in the Navy. You're a Hero.

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I was driving to school when it happened, and fittingly it was cold and dreary. I didn't have my radio on, so I didn't even find out until I walked in and some jackass said "We're goin' to war!". Picture stereotypical southern accent and cowboy hat.

We spent most of the early morning congregated in the cafeteria watching the news reports, while the teachers tried to figure out what they should do. At one point, a couple of guys drew a picture of a plane hitting a building on a scratch piece of paper, folded it up, wrote "top secret" in bold letters on the back, and slipped it into the pocket of another kid's backup(the kid wasn't even Arabic or Islamic, his parents were Indian and he'd spent his entire life in Texas). They laughed their asses off.

They only meant it as a joke(albeit a very mean spirited and poorly timed one), but it I really didn't know how to feel about it. I just pretended to not be upset and moved on.

A few days later, I remember coming home from school and flipping on the TV. Oprah was on. She was interviewing a little girl who's father was working in the top floor of the World Trade Center. For some reason, that little piece of paper with "top secret" written on it popped into my head. I felt sick. I just couldn't believe that we could use something like this so soon after as the punchline of a joke, or the selling point of a talk show. It was almost as unreal as watching the events of 9/11 themselves.

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At the Grand Canyon a couple of days later I saw a woman having a go at an Indian woman, saying "why did you do this" as if she had done something herself. I doubt she was even a Muslim, from the look of her she was probably Sikh or Muslim.

Back at home in Blighty I heard lots of similarly stupid talk. That scares me as much as anything else, it only adds to the hatred between cultures.

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While not all Muslims are the enemy, I think it is vastly under-emphasized how many are.

Hal Lindsey, from :

by Hal Lindsey

Most Democrats are playing politics with the security of the U.S.

In their zeal to discredit President Bush, they are covering over the fact that we are at war with a determined enemy who is motivated by religious passion to destroy us.

The Muslim fundamentalists do not hate us because of something we did or will do to them. They hate us because of who we are. They believe we [ the U.S. ] are the world bastion of Judeo-Christian civilization, whether the liberals in this country think so or not. In their view, this places us as the number one threat to their Islamic culture.

The Koran and the Hadith, the two foundational holy books of Islam, teach that there is a fight to the finish between their civilization and ours. Muhammad taught that the world is divided into two spheres: Dar al Islam and Dar al Harb – "the house of peace and the house of war." Mohammad believed everything outside of Islamic control is Dar al harb or "the house of war."

The so-called "moderate Muslims" can only be moderate as long as they do not take literally what Muhammad, the Koran and the Hadith teach. The fundamentalists do take them literally and therefore have a much stronger basis of their faith that endures the challenges of other cultures.

For the liberals to be arguing over the $87 billion to secure Iraq is like two people arguing over how much to tip the waiters on the Titanic after it hit the iceberg.

For Sen. Hillary Clinton to allege that we have created more enemies by invading Iraq is not only irresponsible, but reflects a total ignorance of the enemy that threatens us.

We did nothing to provoke the wanton attacks of the Muslim terrorists who bombed the World Trade Center in 1993. The only reason they didn't destroy it then was because of a technical miscalculation, not lack of desire. But the same group did succeed Sept. 11, 2001, when they also hit the Pentagon. The only reason they didn't hit the White House is because of some courageous passengers on another hijacked airliner that was caused to crash short of its target in Pennsylvania.

The liberals are so intent upon destroying President Bush, that they have completely dismissed the danger that Iraq posed to the U.S.
Iraq was a supporter of Islamic terrorism and developed weapons that would have been used by terrorists against the free world.

The successful war on Iraq has also served as a clear warning to other Islamic nations who continuously support and supply Islamic terrorists – including al-Qaida – such as Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Libya.

The war on Iraq is just one battle in a long war that we must fight against Islamic terrorism. We did not choose this war. But we have no alternative but to fight it.
So $87 billion in light of the danger we face is not a great sum of money. After all, isn't it far better to fight the terrorists there and rebuild Iraqi cities than to fight them here and rebuild American cities?

Some of the Democratic presidential hopefuls are crying that since al-Qaida is now in Iraq, we need to get our troops out as fast as possible. They say our troops are now "sitting ducks" to be picked off by al-Qaida. Their solution is to turn tail and run. How cowardly and irresponsible can they get? They are certainly not qualified to lead America and provide security in this perilous time.

It's the terrorists and al-Qaida who are becoming sitting ducks. We now know where to find them. Our troops have either killed or captured many of them. The liberal media only report our casualties, not the tremendous damage our troops are inflicting on them.

President Bush said this would be a long and tough war against worldwide Islamic terrorist organizations. We have done well in this war in the two years since 9-11. We do not have the alternative to give up and run. Any sign of weakness – any signs of lack of resolve – in facing our determined enemy will be interpreted by them as weakness. The Muslim fundamentalists will see it as a sign to move in for the kill.

Sen. Ted Kennedy keeps calling for an exit strategy. He needs to remember that our enemy is resourceful, numerous and relentless. We are not just fighting a couple of nations. We are fighting a religious movement that is multinational and numbers in the millions. There is no way to exit from the threat they pose. We need to remember that we still have troops in Japan and Germany who are there as a result of World War II. Where is the exit strategy there?

So we must stay the course and fight with all our might and resources. The alternative is to be destroyed as a world power. And don't think they cannot do that if left unchallenged.

Read this column and many other fine commentaries in today's WorldNetDaily

Lindsey also said that 80% of "moderate" Mosques, even inside the United States, still teach radical ideas of Islamic Jihad.

At first I bought the "only a few extremists" idea put forth by the politically correct liberal media.
But another article I read a while back in the Washington Post reported (as I've said before) that between 30% to 50% of the populations of Muslim countries since 9/11/2001 have begun boycotting U.S. goods and businesses. Even though their own leaders tell them not to do it, that it will only hurt their own economies, and not make the slightest dent in the U.S. economy.

Which is a clear endorsement of 9/11/2001, based on their boycotts beginning with that very act of terrorism.
To say nothing of their Osama Bin Ladin screen savers, and other posters and memorabilia, that have widely glamorized al Qaida terrorism, and Islamic terrorism in general, throughout the Muslim world.

And Palestinians who cheered in the countless thousands on 9/11/2001, as network cameras captured, rolling continuously down street after street in the West bank and Gaza (cheering mass destruction done to the U.S., the country that has been laboring for years to broker their independence, despite the fact that their own terror and violence continually destroys every attempt by the U.S. to complete a peace arrangement between the Palestinians and Israel).
Liberals will say that it was only a few thousand Palestinians, but I saw the footage myself, watching 15 continuous minutes of a car-mounted news camera, going down street after street of cheering Palestinians on 9-11, with no film editing or cuts, just continuously rolling, down street after street. It was not a staged event, or a small crowd, as some have tried to spin it, it was EVERYONE in the West Bank.

A 60 Minutes report, titled "Young, American and Muslim", interviewed some high school age Muslims about their beliefs, and how they feel about suicide bombers in Israel. One girl volunteered that if one dies fighting for Allah, he or she is assured a place in heaven, and further volunteered "Like, if I suicide bombed an American base, I would go to heaven". At which point I was wondering why ANY Muslims are allowed to remain in the United States. The report said she later retracted the comment after speaking to her parents, but it was clear it was merely pragmatic for her to do so, but that is exactly what she truly believes, retraction or not.

I am friendly toward many Muslims, I've met many service station clerks, auto technicians, service people, restaurant owners, and even my family doctor is an Indian Muslim (my doctor since 1997). Many seem like friendly people. But I view all Muslims with suspicion now (since 9/11), despite my politeness to them. Anyone informed of the facts of Islamic beliefs should feel the same way.

Recognizing the ideologic base of Islam, at least how it is dominantly taught throughout the Muslim world, is crucial to fighting Islamic terrorism, and winning that fight. There were 10 years of similar terrorist incidents, beginning with the first attempt to blow up the World Trade center in 1993, and the ambush of U.S. troops in Mogadishu, Somalia that same year, and continuous through a lengthy list of other al Qaida terrorism: blowing up U.S. barracks in Riyadh, bombing two embassies in Africa simultaneously, bombing the U.S.S. Cole at port in Yemen, and culminating in 9/11/2001.

For 10 years we didn't get the message. And with anti-American slanted press coverage over the last two years, we seem to be losing our popular resolve.
But fortunately our military still gets it, and the rest of the U.S. better get the message of the true threat of Islam as well, if we are to win this war.
Kerry, Graham, and Lieberman, despite questioning specifics of Bush's actions, overall understand what is at stake, and voted in the Senate to support Bush's invasion of Iraq and larger war on terror.

Dean and Gephardt are two rabble-rousing schmucks pointlessly fanning the flames of discontent, and would lead this country straight to disaster if they were elected.
I agree that talk of "exit stategy" is very premature, divisive to the U.S., and self-destructive to our nation as well.

Whether Bush or someone else, we need a leader who understands what's at stake.
And a nation that understands what's at stake, and doesn't divisively go kicking and screaming to war, and eager to leave every step of the way, in this war on Islamic fanaticism. This war is for keeps, and we have to win it. And we won't win it without resolve.

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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm?
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some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm?
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I was on my yearly vacation around this week. That year I was at a nice Inn In Monerrey California on my way to Frisco. We took the scenic route on Hwy1 past Big Sur and the coast. Stayed the night of the 10th at that inn and indulged in the fireplace and jacuzzi. On the 11th my hysterical wife wakes me up yelling that we're being attacked. I was waking up trying to figure out if she was having a bad dream or if it was the Japaneese or Russians. As I already have a fear of flying , waking up to see a long wide shot of a plane flying right into a building made me really ill. Of course then and there I suspected terrorism. the 2nd plane clinched it.

Naturally the vacation was over seeing as how rumors were flying around that more planes hadn't been accounted for and that Frisco and L.A. were targets as well. We took HWY 101 back home and made it back in about 3 1/2 hours after having taken the scenic route over the course of 3 days.

And how lovely that my wedding anniversary and yearly outing has to come at a time when the terror alerts are highest. We hightailed it out of Vegas this year on the 11th because i didn't want to be in a gigantic faux Pyramid on the 11th of Sept. Incredible suite by the way. 2 rooms & king sized bed with a scenic jacuzzi that had a cool view of the strip.

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I was doing homework. My sister called on the phone and told me to watch the news. Then I saw the Towers being hit by the planes.

"Batman is only meaningful as an answer to a world which in its basics is chaotic and in the hands of the wrong people, where no justice can be found. I think it's very suitable to our perception of the world's condition today... Batman embodies the will to resist evil" -Frank Miller

"Conan, what's the meaning of life?"
"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!"
-Conan the Barbarian

"Well, yeah."
-Jason E. Perkins

"If I had a dime for every time Pariah was right about something I'd owe twenty cents."
-Ultimate Jaburg53

"Fair enough. I defer to your expertise."

Rack MisterJLA!
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so she knew ahead of time?

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i hate to hear that.

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Uhm, I think the TV news repeated the same loop with the planes crashing.

BTW, it was 6 o'clock on the evening here when she called.

"Batman is only meaningful as an answer to a world which in its basics is chaotic and in the hands of the wrong people, where no justice can be found. I think it's very suitable to our perception of the world's condition today... Batman embodies the will to resist evil" -Frank Miller

"Conan, what's the meaning of life?"
"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!"
-Conan the Barbarian

"Well, yeah."
-Jason E. Perkins

"If I had a dime for every time Pariah was right about something I'd owe twenty cents."
-Ultimate Jaburg53

"Fair enough. I defer to your expertise."

Rack MisterJLA!
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How fascinating.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
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brutally Kamphausened
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brutally Kamphausened
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I want to bump this topic in commemoration of 9-11, to recall everyone's written impressions when 9-11 was very fresh in all our minds. It somehow didn't occur to me that we'd still be talking about these events 9 years later.

It's also significant as part of a collection of topics that brought many of us here to RKMB for the first time from the old DC message boards. Rob Kamphausen had set up a whole September 11th forum here, that gradually evolved into the Politics and Current Events section.

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