
We already saw Waid on Superman (Birthright), and we saw what happened to him. DC treated the book like it was a plague virus and didn't do diddly-squat to promote or support it, we saw the Byrne-Jurgens Sycophants skin Waid alive for doing the EXACT same thing Bryne did in 1986, and we saw the book, which was pretty damned good, belly-flop because of all the above. Waid got shafted big-time, and frankly I don't ever want to see him on Superman ever again. He was punished for doing nothing more than telling the Superman story he wanted to tell, and I don't want to see him kill himself for nothing again. Once was unfair enough to him. Ditto for Matt Wagner, whose fantastic Trinity took the exact same bashing and flaying because it wasn't 100% Pure Byrne-Jurgens Dogma. If the price of writers getting to tell great Superman stories is watching said stories be slaughtered and said authors be crucified and left to be turned into quarter-bin fare, then I'd rather these writers just not bother with Superman. The fans are just too arrogant, too selfish, and too entrenched in the past (1986-1999) to accept anything other than that time period, and no writer worth his salt should ever have to tolerate such an ungrateful, hate-spewing bunch of egomaniacs.

The simple solution, I think, is to ignore what other readers say. If you enjoy reading a book, fuck all whatever anyone else says. It's your money, your opinion. Same as theirs. I personally don't like Mark Waid or Superman, so I skipped out on Birthright. There's always gonna be someone that'll critize an artistic work unjustly, but that should not affect your own enjoyment of the project if you did enjoy it.

The internet is full of high self-opinionated geeks (myself included) and the trick is to learn to ignore that which you do not agree with, at least, those that cannot explain logically their differing opinions.

As for the topic at hand: I'm torn. I loathe Jim Lee's artwork. I think he has a very old generic style with little or no artistic character, and little or no storytelling ability. This is all my opinion.

But I love Azzarello.

Undecided, but leaning towards just not getting the book. I'm not gonna go out of my way.