I'm calling out Ultimate Jaburg53!

A few months ago you fucked up the front page of the DCMB's with spam. I HATE spam!

Sure, you appologized. But now...Now is the time to take you OUT!

That's right Jaburg - Your goin DOWN!

It doesn't matter what you call yerself.

You can be Ultimate Jaburg53, Post Crisis Ultimate Jaburg53, Pre Crisis Ultimate Jaburg53, just plain Jaburg, just the number 53, IT DOESN'T MATTER!

You can even call yourself Post-pre-crisis Ultimate Jaburg53!

You can call yourself king of the damn universe for all anyone cares.

What it comes down to is this: you pissed me off.

Now it's payback.

You name the match.

You want a cage, you got a cage.

You want a cell, we can do a cell.

You want tables, ladders and chairs? Oh my! We can do tables, ladders and chairs!

Better yet, let's have a TLC in a steel cage, in an iron man match!

It's you're call Ultimate Jaburg53.

When you're ready to play, you just let me know.