
Chewy Walrus said:
The fact that TCM was showing old Hitchcock movies last night was what initially inspired me to go out and rent Vertigo and Rear Window... as they've been on my 'to see' list for a while. Can't wait to sit down and watch them!

I had a similar jones the other month so I bought Rear Window, Vertigo, The Birds, Psycho and North By Northwest.

I'll rate them.

Vertigo (best) * * * *
Rear Window (2nd) * * * 1/2
Psycho (3rd) * * * 1/2
The Birds (4th) * * *
North By Northwest (Last) * *

I was particularly impressed by how good Vertigo was and dissapointed by how surprisingly average North By Northwest was. That compounded with Cary Grant's annoying, very overtly acting, way of talking.... OY!

So your picks are the best picks from Hitch's best known works. Man, that Vertigo is one haunting film.....