
Ultimate Jaburg53 said:

Nowhereman said:
Should mention that I am just starting season 5.
Watched the first 4 episodes so far!

As I said, from season four I was pretty much in new territory having only seen a minimal amount of episodes, so this is pretty much like watching a new series!

Season 5 was great.

Right up until the season finale. Then the entire series goes to almost complete shit.

Ok, just worked my way through season 5 & onto season 6, and I agree!

The first two episodes continue the story from last season, and aint too bad, but the four I have watched after this are rather piss poor!

There doesnt seem to be any sort of continuity between episodes.
All the supporting cast appears to have vanished (Dawson, Methos & Amanda).
And the flashbacks lack the detail of the previous seasons!

No wonder this season only ran for 13 episodes rather than the normal 22 (or 18 of season 5).

Season five built up so much, then season six seems to forgotten all about it!
There should have been alot more interaction between Macleod, Dawson & Methos, and Richies death shoulda had more far reaching ramifications!

All this season was set up to do by the look of it, was launch The Raven tv series, as most of the female immortals in this season were created with the possibility of being the main character before they decided to go with the established Amanda!