Ok, I gotta say something about Casino Royale.
I hadnt been too happy about the relaunch of the franchise, and I wasnt happy about the choice of Craig as Bond, but like I said, I'd still give it a chance, and I had to buy it for the collection anyway, so I finally got round to watching it tonight!

While I felt the film was good, it just didnt feel like a Bond film.
Although they tried to make you feel "at home" with certain little trademark Bondisms (The names Bond, James Bond..........vodka martini etc), there was very little else that felt like I was watching the same character I'd watched since a kid!

My biggest gripe though was the traditional Bond bullet shot sequence.
It looked fucking horrible, and lacked the standard "walk on, turn, shoot and blood flows" motif.
We got the shooting and the blood, but the rest (including the music, was missing).
It might seem a small point, but as a Bond purist, that is the one thing that should not have been altered too heavily.
