
whomod said:

rex said:
His explaination for leaving.

In my defence he was cool until he became a punk. He turned into an annoying college type asshole.


Disco seemed ok back then, but like you mentioned, I think he turned into one of those bitter, jaded college pussies that bitches about everything under the sun.

Yeah. I cant's stands thems college types either. What with their book learnin' and all.

Its not the book learning that bothers me, its the students that believe the crap that their instructors force feed them. Its the ones that cannot think for themselves and when you call them on it they get defensive and can't back up their views. I think a great example of that is was in the Jonathan Brandis thread where Jim Jackson was defending a child molester. His view was that because he was a great musician and did so much for society, that we should let him go. Its the same excuse that people use for Micheal Jackson.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.