

Good effort, but you still lost.

Better luck next time.

"Oh snap. I got served. Etc. "

Disco Steve's final words.



The fact that I have a degree doesn't blind me to the truth that the vast majority of kids in college are complete dumbfucks, either concerned with mimicking their professors, or partying. Thankfully that wasn’t me: I did well with my major, but with most of the brainwashing prerequisites I just made it through.

Am I an “anti-intellectual”? No. I did take some courses that worth my while, and they had real value to me. Am I anti-pseudo-intellectual? You bet. That’s why I don’t like're one of those types who buy into whatever the talking heads at (fill in the address of a Bush parody site) are force-feeding you.

I do have a degree, so once again, you don’t have a clue. Typical.

By the way, I want to applaud you. How you managed to make it though college without falling prey to the brainwashings and you alone knowing and keeping the TRUTH is commendable. You're my new hero. You alone can reason while all of your fellow students as well as us dumb unwashed have to take talking points from "liberal" professors and

Oh, and congratulations on winning. Whatever it is that you happened to win....

I dunno, Disco Steve's absense? Your delusions of grandeur made known??

You win.

As if anyone gives a fuck. Which was my point in the last post.

A Million JLA's for one Disco Steve.

By the way, sorry chewy. If you can somehow move the non-topical stuff somewhere else, it'd ease my mind.

Or I can simply rehash my opinion that anything less than a HBO miniseries of Watchmen would be a wasted and futile effort.