
Jim Jackson said:

wannabuyamonkey said:
OK and your second statement, first your saying that Creationism is automatically invalid because it assumes there is a God, but evolution assumes that creationism is false and DOES assume that the world developed independant of God. Now since you say it has NO scientific merrit you must have exaustively studied it in order to rule out any scientific merrit, so if you would please, without using google, tell me 5 thinks you KNOW about intellegent design theory.

Evolutionary theory as I understand it makes no comment about a God..."God" is not something approachable by Science.

Creationism assumes the causal state, that there is a God. Science NEVER assumes the causal state. It seeks to find the causal state. That fact right there rules out Creationism as a scientific theory.

Why is it such a big deal to those of your more religious than I to have Creationism taught in a science class?

First off simply by ruling out creationism you are assuming there is no devine intervention. THAT is an assumption. The theory in creationism is that creatures are intellegently designed. It's babble fish logic to assume that because the theory is that there is an intellegent force involved it can't be scientific. So what you've done is ruled out a possibility without testing it and THAT is unscientific.

What most of "creation science" does is challenge the theory of evolution. The reason why relegious people want the science of creation taght in schools or at least a challenge to evolution is because otherwise kids are taught wrongly that what they're taught at home is anti-scientific that thier belifs aren't an option outside of theoretical. As I've mentioned before only to fall on dead ears what most schools are teaching are debunked theories. So i would ask you why would you be apposed to legitimate challenges to YOUR unprovable theory? Why are you opposed to both sides of this story being told?

Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma. " I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9 JLA brand RACK points = 514k