
Matter-eater Man said:

Batwoman said:
The question of whether the Earth's round or flat was never in the Bible. That was a human theory disproved by Christopher Columbus.

If you seriously want us to answer your questions, then try asking legitmate questions that are in the Bible, not just random questions that have nothing to do with it.

I thought I was. This web sight describes a spectrum of creationist beliefs. The Flat Earthers being the most extreme who take a phrase about the 4 corners of the earth in the Bible as being literal.

I love that a website puts the flat eart society on the top of the list of creationisnts. I'm sure there ARE fives of people arround the world who take the Bible litterally. These people would be comprable to members of secular society who believe that the sun revolves arround a flat Earth because the weather man tells him so. That's right, he does. Many meteoroogists tell people each week what time the sun RISES and then what time it SETS! I mean c'mon these guys are proffessionals, havenst they heard of the copernican revolution? sheesh! seriously though this is what is called phenominallogical language wich refers to things the way they appear rather than the way they are it was common then, it's common now.

Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma. " I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9 JLA brand RACK points = 514k