
wannabuyamonkey said:
I believe in Creationism over Evolution too, but I think in the public schoolls the debate should remain between Intellegent Design Theory and Evolutionary Theory.

OK. What I've never understood is why people can't believe in both. Why can't an intelligent being have put into motion micro- and macroevolutionary processes? Does a Creationist viewpoint automatically deem invalid an Evolutionary Theory viewpoint?


Hey, Jim, I'm not sure exactly what your asking, but I do believe that no portion of the Bible is "complete". There is alot of history that is missing (as well it should be, if anyone should hope to read it), but I do believe it's sufficiant. If that isn't an answer to your question, please elaborate.

I have seen some hardcore Christians argue that the Bible's Genesis Story is complete and accurate. If it's not spelled out in those passages, it didn't happen. Like dinosaurs. They're not mentioned, so they never happened. Fossil evidence is just argued for by humans who want to denounced and deny God. Or the Noah story, that Noah IN FACT took two of every species of animal onto the Arc.

We all wear a green carnation.