(Breaks into a rousing chorus of 'Ding dong, the witch is dead.'")

I'm not a big Bendis fan, especially where "Daredevil" is concerned. He has good story ideas, but the execution is muddled, and I hate his dialogue with a passion. Bad dialogue ruins a comic for me, just like bad dubbing ruins martial arts movies (which is why I'm selling my American versions and trying to repalce them with subtitled versions.) The only run of Bendis's I actually liked was "The King Of Hell's Kitchen" (despite flecks of bad dialogue here and there.)

As for Maleev, I don't care for his style either. I especially dislike the way he draws faces and fight scenes.

I'd like to see Graham Nolan and Scott Hanna work on DD. They're among my favorite Batman artist teams.

"Well when I talk to people I don't have to worry about spelling." - wannabuyamonkey "If Schumacher’s last effort was the final nail in the coffin then Year One would’ve been the crazy guy who stormed the graveyard, dug up the coffin and put a bullet through the franchise’s corpse just to make sure." -- From a review of Darren Aronofsky & Frank Miller's "Batman: Year One" script