King Snarf said:
How could I have forgotten the Battle Pope Christmas Special?!? Jesus gets in a fight with a destitute Santa, and BP has sex with Jesus's mom!


I'm sorry, but that's a level of blasphemy that I find really uncomfortable.

It's like if Garth Ennis or Grant Morrison or someone did a Christmas story where a bunch of thugs gang-raped Mrs. Claus. Only the image is a lot more offensive in the above special, because the story is talking about the mother of a Messiah who is sacred to somewhere upwards of a billion people.
Maybe it's a lot more playful and suggestive and less vulgar than it sounds, but... wow.
Playful irreverence is one thing. But that is hardcore blasphemy.

I think one you'd enjoy that's hardcore but a bit less over-the-top is LOBO'S PARAMILITARY CHRISTMAS SPECIAL.