
Dave the Wonder Boy said:

King Snarf said:
How could I have forgotten the Battle Pope Christmas Special?!? Jesus gets in a fight with a destitute Santa, and BP has sex with Jesus's mom!


I'm sorry, but that's a level of blasphemy that I find really uncomfortable.

It's like if Garth Ennis or Grant Morrison or someone did a Christmas story where a bunch of guys gang-raped Mrs. Claus. Only the image is a lot more offensive in the above special, because the story is talking about the mother of a Messiah who is sacred to somewhere upwards of a billion people.
Maybe it's a lot more playful and suggestive and less vulgar than it sounds, but... wow.
Playful irreverence is one thing. But that is hardcore blasphemy.

Well, you clearly haven't read it. Do so. NOW.

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!