
Animalman said:

Nowhereman said:
Its nothing new,just more widespread now.

A lot more widespread. So widespread, infact, that Hollywood is remaking movies that weren't even that good to beginwith(Thomas Crown Affair was decent, but not one of McQueen's better movies).

Actually, the movies they're remaking SHOULD be the ones that weren't that good to begin with. A lot of times, the originals had interesting ideas that were just done really, really badly. A good remake can take those concepts and spin them into something genuinely good and entertaining.

One movie that I would love to see remade is Xanadu. Greek muse falls in love with an artist and wins him over by making his dreams come true, only to face a culture clash when her Greek god parents butt in. In the existing film, it's played as dead-serious sap, and it sucks. But the premise, if done right, would make for a terrific Chuck Jones-style comedy. It could still be a musical, but the story could be tightened up and played for humor, and it would be much better than the original.

My first novel, Wounds of the Heart (http://www.booksurge.com/product.php3?bookID=IMPR02655-00001), has been published. Check it out, if you like.