
The Question? said:

ShazamGrrl1 said:

The Question? said:
Caitlin O'Malley - Witch Grrl 1.0 - as she is now:

Raised by her parents in the traditions of fam-trad Nature based, Goddess centered Wicca, this copper heaired beauty uses her magical abilities to combat evil along side her lover Billy Batson and his alter-ego Captain Marvel and the rest of the marvel Family in the fanfic Fawcett City.

Patch, you imbecile, where in the hentai recesses of that thing you call an imagination did I ever say Cait was a "beauty"?

Nowhere, because I never did.

Pixie, maybe, but not me.

If you can find one instance of where I've ever said that, I'll get off your back. If not, you, FEL and all the alt IDs the two of you use on Yahoo have to leave the Marvels of SHAZAM (that'll be about half the membership ). Neither of you are, in your own words, "REAL Cap fans", and you've contributed nothing to the group since you've been there.

And DO NOT use any of Pixie's fics or your "own write-ups" as "proof". I know cheating's your thing, but it won't work in this case.

does this post have anything mildly resembling a point, other than to show how sad and petty you are??

i didn't think so either.

btw, how did you describe Cait in your perverse erotic fanfic . . . ?

A chicken-shit wimp to the end, I see ...

Then again, all you are is all talk ...