Kahn is the greatest villain, and he made Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan the greatest of the Trek films.

The Borg are a close second. They saved Voyager for me.

For coolest alien race, even though they are sort of the same, I picked the Romulans and the Vulcans. It really is a shame that TNG didn't take advantage of the telling stories to really highlight the differences between these races. Every time they tried, they got to technical, when the differences are more emotional and philosophocal. Lt. Savik was half Romulan/half Vulcan. It would have been nice if TNG would have had a character like that, to mix in with the Klingons (also a great race) and the android, Data. Ah, what could have been...

Sexiest women? That's easy. Jerry Ryan for Seven of Nine. The Borg storylines with her are the reason I returned to Voyager after giving up on it early in the second season. Number two on the list is Nicole de Boer (Ensign/Lt. Ezri Dax) for her "girl next door" charm.

Best Captain? On the screen it's easy, the award goes to Kirk. But I voted other, because Cpatian Mackenzie Calhoun of Peter David's Star Trek New Frontier. Calhoun is a protege of Picard, who recruited him into Star Fleet. Add Picard's influence with his already Kirk-like attitude, and there is no beating this guy. Paramount should seriously consider bringing this series to life.

For best series, I chose the original, only because New Frontier wasn't an option. TNG got too technical with the science shit that Trekkies seem to love. Deep Space Nine took too long to set up what I have been told is one of the best wars on TV, so they lost me before that story line came to the fore front. I tried to get back into it, but I just didn't like the characters they were focassing on. And I never liked Jadzia with Worf. WTF? Julian was totally in love with her, to the very end. Ezri was cool, so I watched episodes where she was the focus. Voyager was cool in the beginning, getting back to the roots of exploration. But it started getting repetative, and there was that damn focus on technolegy over people that TNG always got stuck with. When they introduced the Borg as the main series villain, and really fleshed them out through Seven of Nine's return to humanity, they finally got it right. Plus, there was the relationshop between Paris and Torres, and Torres inner struggle with her Klingon side. It's too bad they came up with that forced, aweful finally. The only reason the show got stale in it's final season is because they didn't set up a proper endgame from the very beginning. As for Enterprise, I thought that was cool in the beginning, but then they got into that Temperal Time War, or whatever it's called. I have never been a fan of time travel. Not as a main theme. Star Trek has done some very cool things with it, like Stark Trek IV, several episodes in the original series, and Troubles and Tribulations (?) in DS9. The show started out as humanity looking to prove to the Vulcans that they can make it on their own as explores and adventurers of the galaxy. But they just had to make some sort of villain for the story. Of course, that wasn't necessary. Classic Trek had the Kilingons, but that was a foot note. It was never about Kilingons or Romulans, it was about the exploration of ideas. Until Paramount figures this out, there won't be another good Trek.

<sub>Will Eisner's last work - The Plot: The Secret Story of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion
RDCW Profile

"Well, as it happens, I wrote the damned SOP," Illescue half snarled, "and as of now, you can bar those jackals from any part of this facility until Hell's a hockey rink! Is that perfectly clear?!" - Dr. Franz Illescue - Honor Harrington: At All Costs

"I don't know what I'm do, or how I do, I just do." - Alexander Ovechkin</sub>